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//Enemy DNA//

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//Enemy DNA//

Warnings: None. 

     GEN PACES THROUGH HER ROOM waiting for Rafe to show up

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     GEN PACES THROUGH HER ROOM waiting for Rafe to show up. She had to talk to him. He finally walks into her room. He shuts the door and just stands there. They just look at each other. "You were drunk, right?" She asks. Rafe runs his hands through his hair. 

"No, I wasn't. Well I was. But I knew what I was saying, Gen. It's us. I know it is." Rafe says. Gen runs her hands through her hair. 

"What are you talking about?" She asks.

"Genevieve, I didn't realize it for so long. I didn't realize it until I saw you with Pope. I like you. A lot. And I know you like me too, you can't lie. All that stuff you said." Rafe says. He walks towards Gen. But she backs up.

"Are you kidding me? You had your shot, Rafe. You did. And you turned Topper into this- into this psycho. He pushed JB off a building? I've known him all of my life, and he's never done this. I was so nice before, me and you started hanging out. You're a ruiner, you ruin things. Last night was supposed to be fun, I wanted to go have fun. But you showed up. And you tried to taunt JJ, which made him make a scene. You told Topper I was gonna take the blame and JJ ended up in jail." Gen shouts.   "So maybe I did like you. But whatever feelings I had... they're gone now. I was maybe hoping for an apology, but you pull this shit? Get out." Gen scoffs. Rafe doesn't move. She can see the tears in his eyes.

"I wasn't like this before, Gen. You need to understand that. I want help. And only you can help me." Said Rafe, with his voice breaking. 

"I want you to leave." Gen scoffs. Rafe walks up to Gen and cups her cheeks. She feels paralyzed. 

"I need you." Rafe whisper. Gen gulps. "You need to help me." He whisper. Gen can feel the tears forming in her eyes as well. 

"Rafe." She whispers.  "I need to go." Rafe keeps looking at her. Finally, the moment we've all been waiting for. He pulls her into a kiss. A sweet passionate. Gen wraps her arms around his neck. He puts his hands on her lower back and pulls her closer. Gen pulls away to catch her breath. "I have to go, Rafe. " She clears her throat. Gen walks past him and to her door. She stops for a minute. She squeezes her eyes shut. Once she opens them again she turns around and runs to Rafe. She jumps into his arms and wraps her legs around him. Gen proceeds to grab his face and pull him into another kiss. This time it was a thirsty kiss. Hard and passionate. She wraps her arms around his neck and continues to kiss him. Rafe makes his way to her neck, she leans her head back in pleasure. She drops her legs so shes standing up again, she almost fell considering her legs feel like jello. "I really need to go, Rafe. Please just call me or text me or stay here. Or something." She runs out of her room. What just happened?

     "So you kissed him?" JJ asks

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     "So you kissed him?" JJ asks. Gen rests her face in her hands, before sitting back up.

"No. He kissed me." Gen sighs. "And then I kissed him. You guys probably hate me, but what do I do?" Gen groans.

"You can starting by getting out of this restaurant." Kiara says, giving a fake smile. 

"Uh! What about John B? He literally lives with the Cameron's!" Gen exclaims.

"He's a pogue." Pope shrugs. 

"Fine, I'll leave." Gen shrugs. She goes to stand up but JJ stops her.

"We're just fucking with you, Genni." He assures. She looks around and everyone just shrugs at her. She sits back down.

"No, you're not. I kissed the enemy. I'm basically the enemy now. I have enemy dna in me." Gen groans again. 

"Gross!" Everyone says. She puts her head down against the table. Pope rubs her back.

"If it makes you feel better, I totally ditched you yesterday." Pope says. Gen chuckles. 

"You totally did." She smiles. But her smile slowly fades. "And then he confessed his love to me." She whispers, mostly to herself.

"He did what?" Everyone yells. She shushes them.

"Sorry, I forgot a minor detail." She shrugs.

"A minor detail? A MINOR detail? A minor detail is saying you forgot to take the trash out. He confessed his love to you!" JJ exclaims.

"Well what am I supposed to do! Tell him I like him? He's psychotic, JJ" Gen huffs. "He's probably just high or something." She shrugs. Everyone looks at each other. "What?" Gen asks.

"Gen, we all hate Rafe. You know that. But, we also hated you." John B starts. Gen narrows her eyes.

"Where are you going with this?" JJ and Pope start laughing.

"No, no. Listen. We all know you like Rafe. It's so obvious. Well, not really. But it is when you pay close attention." He carries on.

"Why are you paying close attention to that?" JJ and Pope laugh harder, even Kiara joins. 

"John B, let me do this." Kie says. "If you like Rafe. Tell him, idiot." Kiara says. Gen looks around the table and everyone nods. "I mean you did kiss him back." She shrugs. 

"I kissed him because....." Gen starts. Everyone looks at her. "Okay, fine. Maybe I like him a little bit. But I just became chill with you guys. Why would I ruin that?" Gen asks. 

"We literally don't care, do what you want. I mean we hate sarah but JB still hanging out with her." Pope shrugs. Gen laughs.

"Haha, your stupid ass has to live with her." Gen mocks. JB rolls his eyes. Pope laughs. "Okay, fine. I'll tell him. If you guys promise you won't hate me." Gen sighs.

"We already hate you." Kiara smiles. 

"She's kidding, Genni. Go get him tiger." Pope says. Gen laughs, and stands up.

"Never say that again." She smiles. Pope nods. "Here goes nothing." She huffs.

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