Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Hold my Hand
Julia's POV

I was running late to mock trial practice. I sprinted down the hallway and came to a stop in front of the door. I slowly opened the door and heard the ending conversation by Aunt Helen. "Nice job, both of you. You can sit down," Helen congratulated CeCe and Kyle.

I took my spot next to Gabe, who gave me a confused look on why I was late. I shook my head, not wanting to tell him where I was knowing it would cause a scene. "All right, next time we're gonna do opening and closing statements," Helen informed the room. "Now remember, remember you're making an argument, you want to state a thesis and then cite evidence to support it. Now, after you're done, you wanna make an emotional appeal for ethos to drive home whatever it is that you're relying to get across. Okay?"

"And gang," Coach Maddox spoke up as the bell rang. "Ms. Decatur starts the trial tomorrow, so from now on practice is at seven thirty sharp."

"Seven thirty? Who's bringing me coffee?" Gabe asked his coach as we got up and moved towards the door.

"Nice try, Julia," Helen called out to me as I tried to leave the classroom before she said anything  to me. "Hang back a second, yeah?"

"Leaving the house before sunrise is against my religion," CeCe informed Helen and Coach Maddox. "I can't do seven thirty."

"Well, I'm sure the good Lord will make an exception," Helen replied.

"Nope, y'all have to go on without me." CeCe left the classroom before anything else could be said.

"Where were you today?" Aunt Helen questioned me as Coach Maddox stood up from his seat.

"No where, just didn't feel like coming," I replied before trying to leave.

"Not so fast," Aunt Helen called out as Coach Maddox stood in front of me, blocking my exit route.

"I'll let you two have the room," Coach Maddox spoke up before leaving us causing me to let out a sigh.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, everything's good."

"Tyler didn't sit with CeCe today and you showed up late," Helen stated as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Okay, what's Ty have to do with me being late?" I questioned her with a fake confusion look on my face. Part of the truth is that I didn't want to walk in at the same time as Ty because of what happened last night. The other half of the truth is that I got distracted walking around the halls killing time before I realized I was beyond late to mock trial practice.

"You two okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't we be?" I asked her again confused.

"Just seems like there is something on your mind," Helen responded with a worried expression. I let out a small sigh. "Tyler didn't even look in your direction when you came in..."

"It's nothing, I promise," I replied with a reassuring head nod.

"Okay if you say so, the moment you need advice or help you come straight to me, alright?"

"Yes ma'am," I smiled at her.

The next day at school, Gabe was at his locker when he called me over. "Wanna hang out?"

"Depends if Ty will be there," I repsonded in a low tone.

"Okay," Gaeb started off as he grabbed his chemistry book and closed the door. "What is going on between you two?"

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