Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Hold my Hand
Julia's POV

"Simon, you can be a little stronger," Helen commented as we all sat in the classroom. "Don't be afraid to be a bulldog, yeah? And Kyle, can we tone down the Atticus Finch just a little bit? All right, a little reminder on the dress code. This is business attire, so slacks, knee length skirts, Sunday suits. If you will not wear it in front of your grandmama's church friends, I do not want to see it in the court room. Okay, wonderful. I'll see y'all on Thursday, yeah?"

Tyler leaned his chair back towards my table with Gabe and muttered, "there goes your entire wardrobe, Tucker."

"Shut up, Townsend," I joked back as I pushed him back forward. I noticed CeCe giving us a sharp glare before looking away. I wonder what that's about.

"CeCe, can I have a moment?" Aunt Helen called out to the girl. Tyler wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we stood up. He pulled us out of the classroom, leaving CeCe inside with Aunt Helen.

"Me, you, hang out tomorrow?" Tyler questioned me.

"I don't know," I joked as if I was contemplating it.

"Tucker, please," Tyler begged, making me realize something was on his mind.

"Yeah, sure," I nodded my head.

The next day arrived and I was laying on Tyler's bed ranting, "I can't believe you can't drive anyone anywhere."

"I can drive you and my siblings," Ty smirked at me, causing my head to snap up and look over at him.

"Shut up," I gushed as I sat up completely and faced him. "Really?"

"Yeah, we're attached to the hip so it wouldn't be right if I couldn't take you anywhere," Ty replied back.

I pushed his shoulder before standing up and looking towards the door. "Then what are we waiting for, Townsend? The world is ours now." I stuck my hand out for Ty to take. He hesitated for a second before gripping onto my hand, pulling us out of his bedroom and down the stairs.

"Mom, I'm heading out with Julia," Tyler called out as we walked down the steps. Maddie came around the corner and gave us a look.

"Tyler, be careful please."

"Always mom," Tyler smirked at her before grabbing the keys from her hands.

"I will keep him in check, don't worry," I smiled at Maddie before Tyler laced our fingers together and pulled us towards the door.

"Wait a second," Maddie called out in a warning tone. Ty let out a huff before we both came to a stop and faced her.

"Yes?" Tyler asked slightly annoyed.

"Where are you going?" Maddie questioned.

"I'm taking Julia somewhere," Tyler responded back vaguely.

"And that somewhere is?" Maddie pressed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well, it's kind of a surprise," Tyler told his mom with a pleading look.

"Oo, a surprise?" I questioned him.

"Yup," Ty looked back at me with a smile.

"Are you two dating?" Maddie questioned suddenly causing my face to drop in confusion.

"What?" I scoffed out confused.

"No, mom, I'm with CeCe remember?" Tyler answered with the same confused look on his face. "Why would you think that?"

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