The dare

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After I paid for the pizza I slowly walked back into the room. When I came back into the living room, all four boys stared at me with creepy smiles on their faces.
"Hey are you ready for your dare?" Niall smirked
"I guess?" I said suddenly unsure if I really wanted to do this.
"Your dare is seven minutes in heaven with one of us!" Niallyelled
That was not what I was expecting, it was worse! Little did they know I had a crush on Harry since we were 13, I guess I'll have to make the most of it.
"Fine I choose Styles" I said
The boys wolf whistled and pushed me and Harry to our feet, both of us stumbling in the process. As I looked at Harry I could have sworn I could see a blush forming on his face... But that couldn't be, it must have just been my imagination.We both started walking down the Wooden floor to the nearest closet which happened to be my tiny closet in my room, the boys following behind us.
"Well we will leave you two, have fun! But not too much fun we don't want any Styles and Payne juniors just yet" Louis said with a suggestive wink. The boys burst out laughing leaving the room. Then we were really alone.
"So what should we talk about while we're here." Harry whispered
"I don't know, why are you whispering."
"Because I bet they are right behind the door" he said leaning closer to get comfortable
" umm I know everything about you I have known you for longer than I can remember, but is there any secrets you have kept form me all these years Styles?" I said leaning in closer to be able to hear his whispers
" well I have kept one secret form you" he said blushing
"What!tell me" I said leaning closer so we were about 5 inches apart
" I like to sing, but I'm not good" he said looking at his hands in his lap
" no that can't be true sing me a song I will be the judge" I said cupping his hands in mine
" it's true I'm terrible never mind" he said looking at our now intwined hands
" no! I cannot believe you could have a bad voice! Look at me"
After I said this he slowly looked up to meet my eyes
" I bet you are a great singer, please sing for me?"
" ok" he cleared his voice quietly and began
"Isn't she pretty,isn't she wonderful, isn't she precious less than one minute old, I never thought through love we'd be making one as lovely as she, isn't she lovely made from love"
As he finished the line he petered out and looked back at me with sad eyes.
" it was terrible wasn't it." He said sadly
I was speechless. He was amazing!
" that was amazing Harry I can't even tell you how great you are! Your voice is so raw and deep, you could be a professional!" I whispered looking him straight in the eyes
As I said this he look at me with the most admiration and, love? I had ever seen him give anyone other than his mother ( he was a mommas boy for sure)
"Thank you so much, your the first one I have told, because I really like you..." He stared rich into my eyes for a second and then started leaning in...Butterflies attacked my stomach as I leaned in, our lips meeting sparks going off illuminating my entire body with their warmth and light, I had never felt anything like it"
Then I felt the door open, and Harry and I were pulled apart as we fell to the ground, us blushing madly caught kissing by the boys.
"Well what do we have here? Did Harry finally tell you he liked ya?" Louis said
" kind of" I smiled at a still blushing Harry, knowing I know something the other boys didn't know about Harry, and the knowledge of the mutual attraction between him and I made this the best dare ever and I was waiting to see what would happen next between Harry and I.
To be continued.......

Authors note- I have no clue where this story is going, I just update when I have ideas. I was so surprised when I found out people were actually reading this, if you could comment things you want me to do or just positive feedback I would appreciate anything and respond to anyone's (positive) comments

Thanks for reading.

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