The pool

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Authors- I didn't know people liked the story! I will continue to write it now I know people are reading it! so here it is guys

When me and the boys got close enough to the pool we all screamed like banshees and ran to get into the pool, all of us stripping off our t shirts and jumping in.

The cold water hit my warm sun tanned body, making me shiver with how cold it felt. as I came up to the surface I saw all the boys had the same look of serenity as I did, making me feel even more exited to be here with them.

Later on

(Sorry guys I didn't know what to say there but it will get better)

We decided we had had enough of the pool because we all looked like raisins from being in the water so long.

We decided after we toweled off we went to Baskin Robbins (if you don't know what that is its an ice cream place in mostly western US) to get some ice cream. I got cookie dough,along with Niall, Liam and Zayn choose mint, and Louis and Harry, being the dorks they are decided on birthday cake with EXTRA sprinkles. after we finished paying we started walking down the street toward our house, talking about whatever we could think of, it went a little like this...

Louis: "why did the mushroom go to the party?"

Collective groans from everyone except from Harry and Louis

Harry: "Why Louis?"

Louis: " because he was a fungi"

Everyone groans simultaneously except for Harry and Louis, who are now laughing their heads off. (you get the gist of the conversations happening, lots of groans from us and laughter from those too, along with a snigger or two from Niall because he is just to cute to not laugh).

When we finally got home ran into our house, ( I should probably describe it to you since you can't see it for yourself) the house is two stories tall and has six bedrooms, and four bathrooms. You walk into the living room with the stairs to your left kitchen to your right. all of our bedrooms are on the top floor because we have a game room down the hall to the right behind the stairs. all our rooms have labels on them, and the order they go in is my door I the left then Niall,than Harry. across from Harry's is Louis's and then Zayn's and Liam's ( that was confusing sorry).and finally a gazebo and a pool outback.

We all ran upstairs to our bedrooms to change and we simultaneously shut the door. I ran I to my room to hunt for a new outfit, I choose a grey beanie a black tank top and some blue jeans with some blue toms.

After I was finished I ran back down stairs to see the boys sitting crisscross in a circle in the living room.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Truth or dare? wanna join" Niall said parting the carpet next to him.

"Yes! I will, i never back down" I said sitting down next to Niall.


As the game progressed, Zayn had to lick Louis face, Niall said he peed his pants in fourth grade at a school assembly, Liam had to streak in the street (eww) Harry said he had never been kissed, and Louis had to eat a stale cracker we found outside. when it was finally my turn Louis said "truth or dare?" and per usual I screeched "DARE".

After I has chosen my fate the boys huddled up thinking of the best dare they could think of....they
took a long time... two minutes...three minutes... I started to worry what dare they had planned for me until I heard the door bell ring signaling that the pizza that the boys had ordered while I was in my room was here, saving me from what ever they had in plan for me...for now....

Authors- that's it for now, if your reading this comment what you want to happen next and who you want her to like, because I think I have one in mind but I don't know yet. and please keep staring this. when I looked back at it and saw it got three stars it made my day(as little as that is) I love every single one of you for reading. buy for now

- Sid

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