Uncomfortable Conversation

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(This will only make sense if you chose to trust Jack in the galatarium and if you kept Jack a secret from Fiona and Sasha)

"There. Can we finish this in the morning? I'm like really tired." I rub my eyes with my human hand.

"...Fine. Rest up. We have a ton to do tomorrow." Vaughn reminds me of what's to come.

"Yeah cool whatever." I stretch my arms with a little groan.

The Vaughn walks off to his room most likely to sleep.

I look over at Fiona. She is staring at a screen. A lot seems to be on her mind right now. I should probably ask if she's okay...

I walk over to Fiona and stood next to Her. She doesn't move when I approach. "Hey Fi. How ya holdin' up?"

She doesn't take her eyes off the screen. "Well aside from being kidnapped, and dragged across a desert. I'm doing fine."

"Keep your spirit up. There's gotta be a way we all survive. Got any tricks up your sleeve?"

"Not at the moment."

A long silence follows her answer.

"Ok look it sounds bad but we'll all be ok. We're gonna work together!"

"Guess that's the best we've got right now."

"Yeah..." I look down at the floor.

A couple seconds pass.

"You know Rhys... I'm relieved that you're alive... but you're an asshole."

Oh. Shit she's not wrong but... that was pretty blunt. I look over to see her face is cold.

"Not telling you about Jack?"

"Amidst other reasons, yes. What the fuck Rhys?!" She turned her cold and angry gaze towards me.

I wince at her words, but they didn't scare me. They hurt me.

"I mean..." her face suddenly turns... sad. "How could you?"

My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach. I was at a loss for words. All I could do is look down in shame.

"AND you trusted that psychopath over me?! Unbelievable." She crosses her arms and looks away. A mix of anger and sadness on her face.

"Fiona I... was scared."

"What?" She's now facing me.

"I was afraid ok? I was scared that if I told you guys... it would ruin what we had... and I really didn't want to ruin it." I sigh as I realize I'm going to have to be brutally honest. Well more so than I already am. "I was scared that you guys would freak and kick me out or shoot me or something. I just... we had a good thing goin. We all made a good team... I didn't want to jeopardize everything we built together cause of some asshole swimming in my head." I finally built the nerve to look at her. She looks a lot less mad.

"Seriously Rhys? That isn't something we couldn't work through. Yeah we probably would've been pissed but come on! Handsome Jack was living inside your head and you didn't even tell us!" Her voice grows louder the more the talks.

"Oh yeah cause the look of you and Sasha just screams "We can work through it."

She scoffs at that. "Typical Rhys. You really think I would've killed you if you were honest with us? Like we haven't been through enough that we couldn't just talk it out? That if you told us the truth it's just pop you and move on like you never existed huh? Is that all you think of me?" She's staring daggers at me awaiting my response.

Unlikely Romance: Rhyiona OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now