Chapter 9: Training

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Akira and Annie are alone in the forest. Annie thinks they are far enough as she asks, "We are here. What do you want to talk about?"

Akira stops as he looks at her with a serious face, and he asks, "You are Titan Shifter, aren't you?"

Annie looks at Akira with wide eyes open and shocked as she looks at Akira. She into a fighting stance; Akira waves his hands toward her to calm her down.

"Clam down; I'm not your enemy Annie," Akira said as he crossed his arms.

The blonde girl still didn't let her guard down while she glared at him. Annie asks with a serious tone. "Then what do you want?"

Akira also got serious as he said, "I want to know why you were sent here. I understand there more live out these islands."

Annie's arms crossed as she said, "Then you understand this Island is an enemy to the world."

Akira nods as he replies, "Even though there is an enemy, this Island still holds so many innocent lives, Anine. Then answer my question, why are you and your two other friends here? What is your mission."

The blonde girl's arms crossed, still looking at Akira with a glare. "That classify... What about you? You seem like an outsider, and what kinda form did you use all years ago."

Akira sighs as he explains, "I'm... Titan of light, as you know me as Ultraman, and yes, I'm an outsider."

Annie suddenly grabs his jacket with a glare as she yells, "Then why are you helping them!" 

The blue hair looks her in the eyes while she holds him on his jacket. Akira sighed as he said, "Most all of them are innocent life, Annie. I understand you three doing all this because of an order of your land."

Annie let go of Akira's jacket, and she said, "Then what do you want with me!"

Akira looked deep into her eyes as he said, "I want you to know that destroying this place will not do any good to you three. It just makes it worse."

Annie, glare as she replies,  "Like I fucking care! I just want to go home! And remember Akira! Don't say a word about me being a Titan shifter or die by my hand!" She pulls a knife from her jacket and quickly puts it on Akira's throat.

Akira sighed as get said, "Don't worry, Annie, your secret is saved with me. Look, Annie, I just want to protect the innocent life, but this is not a solution,"

Annie softens a bit; Akira holds the knife slowly on his throat and crushes the knife blade into pieces, and Annie's eyes open in shock. She wants to punch him in the face only to be caught by him, and he pulls her close to him. 

Akira looked at her with a warm smile as he said, "Look, Annie, like I said, I'm not your enemy." His and her face are so close, like they are about to kiss each other. Annie realizes how close they are and can't help to blush.

"T-Then let me go!" Annie stutter and fail to cover her blush; Akira gently lets her go as she quickly walks off, only stopping a moment and quickly glares at Akira with a blush on her face and continues to walk away. Akira sighs in defeat as he also walks away.


Annie walked into her room, and she saw her roommate Mikasa. The raven-haired girl is on her sit-up routine.

"Ah, you must be my roommate." Mikasa stops the sit-up and drinks some water.

Annie looked at her, and the giver, emotionless, nodded, "Yeah, it seems like it. So how long have you how long you known Akira?"

Titan Of Light (Attack on Titan x OC Ultraman)Where stories live. Discover now