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Gulf pov -

I don't know what to do so I decided to call bright and ask for him help he is one of my best friends he has helped me alot when I had no one he is a brother to me . I left the hospital in a hurry I told him to collect some of my clothes form mew house beacuse I didn't had any courage to face him , bright understood my sistution and first took me to his house win was sitting there watching something he saw me and hugged me I started crying I was a crying mess he looked concerned I just hugged him tightly and decided not to leave him after a while I slept .

Bright home -

Win - what happened to him .

Bright - told win everything , I will go to collect some of his suff for now you please don't leave him .

Win - obviously he is my brother why will I leave him , don't fight with that jerk just warn him to stay away form gulf .

Bright- ofcourse I will be going take care of him.

Mew pov -

I left the hospital in hurry and came home , what I did was wrong I tried to call thorn to ask about gulf he picked after two rings .

Yes what do you want mew .

I was shocked with his tone but I decided to ask , is gulf alright .

He coldly replied gulf left with someone a few minutes ago and mew don't contact me anymore out friendship is over I can't stay with a guy like you , from side tar shouted phi mew I don't want to be with you don't show your face to me ever again do you understand you are nothing but a heartless bastard .

I was still trying to process everything what happened to them I was lost in my own thoughts suddenly I heard the door bell I went to open it and saw a handsome guy , how walked in and directly asked where gulfs room is , what how does he know my husband I asked him who he was he didn't reply just took out this phone and called someone the person picked his call , win give gulf the phone someone is asking something , this guy is so rude suddenly I heard gulfs voice but it wasn't the soft gulf which he use to know his voice expressed hate , gulf baby someone is stopping me  .

Gulf - hello mew is this you .

He asked in cold voice , I decided to reply yes gulf where are you how are you .

Gulf - let bright go in my room .

After saying this he disconnected the call , I can't say no beacuse it's his house also that bright guy went inside and took out a suitcase what is gulf leaving me he opened gulf closet took his clothes outs opened his drawer took all the documents his passport his phone and left the others as it is and that guy left saying stay away form gulf form now .

Did gulf really leave me I should be happy but I am sad he miss his presence in my house he really left me I decided to sleep but I couldn't so I went to gulfs room I checked the room property there were his clothes some of his stuff I opened a drawer and saw old pictures I guess these are his familys pictures I saw them carefully he looked happy in them I didn't realise when I started crying .

End of mew pov -

Next day -

Mew woke up in a empty apartment without any noises or smell of home made food he felt empty inside like he is missing something . He checked his phone there was a notification from gulf , after seeing gulf name automatically a smile apreated on his face .

From gulf -
Met me at xxx cafa 2 pm , don't worry I won't take much of your time .

To gulf -
Sure I will be there .

Mew decided to get ready and go to the cafa he saw thorn and tar sitting there with gulf and that bright guy .

Mew- gulf I am really sorry for my behavior and I ...

Bright- no need to talk to him just shut up and sit down , your voice hurts my ear drums.

Mew- you ....

Mew was cut with the waiter , asking them for there order as soon as the waiter saw gulf he went near gulf and hugged him .

Waiter- phi gulf is this really you , he cried in gulfs arms making every shocked and mew jeleous , I missed you so much no we missed you where were you gone from past three months , fern missed you so much we all did.

Gulf smiled at the guy making everyone shocked again baby angle I am really sorry I will come today for sure .

Waiter - still crying really phi , thank you so much I love phi .

Gulf - shuu come with me , gulf signed bright and took angel with him to another table where that sat everyone was seeing angel still hugging gulf not wanting to leave him .

Mew - who is that guy .

Bright- none of your business , shut up and wait here we have a few more guests .

Mew was still seeing angle talking to gulf none stop and gulf smiling at him , which pissed him to much . After awhile that guy left gulf but gulf told him gulf will take him with him .

Mew - gulf who was he.

Gulf - mr kanawat .

Mew - excuse me.

Gulf - call me mr kanawat , don't dare to call me by my name mr suppisit .

Thorn and tar were looking at gulf with widened eyes .

Gulf - I don't have much time and energy to waste on you so I will come straight to the point sign them , so that we can be free .

Mew - what is this.

Gulf - are you blind or can't read these are divorce papers it's clearly written I don't have anything to do with you and don't worry I don't need anything sign them fast I have somewhere to go and thorn and tar can you guys please sign these papers it's for record you saw this process . Take your time read them and sign .

Mew - no i won't sign them .

Gulf - excuse me .

Mew - you heard it I won't divorce you .

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