Chapter6: Sounds Of A Snake

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Chapter Six


I put Aldon in his car seat, ready to go hunt down Alison and Kimberly. I couldnt gather up the thoughts that were going through my mind. "What should I tell her?" "Should I just leave her alone and wait till she comes back to me?" "Are we really done forever?" I sighed out loud as I started up the car. Praying that Alison will forgive me, my phone went off.

I answered it in a snap of a finger thinking it was Alison, but instead it was her. The woman who ruined it all.

"Layla, I really cant talk right now." I said in a stern voice.

"Oh Trey, please I need you to come to my hotel room quick please!" She cried.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"I am so sad about the whole news. Everyone from our home town is calling me a slut for being your mistress and I even got fired. Just please I need you right now." She sobbed.

"Layla I cant. I cant do this anymore. We cant keep seeing each other I'm sorry but were done-"

"Please Tremaine, just one time and one time only please. Im begging you." Her voice began to sound hoarse.

I officially became guilty and felt sorry for the girl.

"Alright, imma come through." With that being said, I changed the direction and headed to the hotel.

When I made it to the hotel, I took Aldon out of his car seat and closed the door. Wishing no one will see me come back to this hotel, I took the stairs.

I knocked on her door, "Come in." She opened the door. Her eyes was puffy and you can tell she's been crying.

"Look, I'm sorry-"

"Have a seat." A muscular man with a snake tattoo on his face spoke.

"What's going on here. Layla?" I questioned.

"It's Sullivan, my new name is Sullivan." She smiled widely, looking at the man like he was suppose to reward her for changing her name.

"That's right baby. Now where is Alison?"

"I dont know. She left home and I have no clue where she went. Why?" I asked.

"Dont worry about it. Here, take this rope and tie them to the chair." The man demanded to 'Sullivan'.

The man took out a gun and aimed it at me," just in case you try to get slick." He gave me a crooked smile.

She tied me and Aldon up and gave me a kiss," dont tell my family, okay?"

With that being said, they grab a duffel bag from under neath the bed and headed out the door, "you cant leave me here!! What is going on?!" I shouted.


"Alison." It was his voice. The voice I never wanted to here again in my whole entire life, it belong to Snake.

"Snake." I whispered.

"How are you gorgeous?" His deep, raspy voice beamed into the phone.

"How did you get my number?" I asked.

"Your little fiancé of yours gave it to me. I would let him talk to you, but he's a little tied up." He chuckled at his joke.

"You're sick. Whatever you do, please dont hurt Tremaine or Aldon. Please." I pleaded.

"Why dont you want me to hurt him? He cheated on you with a prostitute. Sullivan at that." He reported.

"Sullivan... Sullivan. Thats why she is so familiar. We used to be on the corner together. Why didnt i think of that! She even told me she left Virginia to have a brighter future. But i guess its not that bright after all."

"Lets cut to the story. You and only you shall come to 103 WestBroke Road in ATL. Meet me at the vacant factory outside. When you see a black 2015 escalade pull up, you get out of your car and get into mines. You understand? No cops, no back up, no weapons , and no hesitation. Or Aldon and Tremaine will die in the worse way." He hung up the phone.

"Was that Snake? What did he say?!" Kimberly asked.

"He has Tremaine and Aldon. He wants me to meet him at a vacant factory in ATL. Told me to get in his suv or he will kill Aldon and Tremaine." I explained.

"Well, let's get the guns and go-"

"No, I have to go along. He told me I cant have any weapons on me." I told her.

"Are you crazy?! So you are just going to go there ready to die? At least tell me where?"

"No, because you will call the cops and I already told you about that. He will go to jail but he can get other people will try to kill me. It wont stop unless i make it stop." My voice cracked.

"I feel like this will be the last time I ever see you again." Kimberly began to shed tears.

"Dont worry, I have a plan." I gave her a hug.

Running With Trey (Falling a For Trey part 2)Where stories live. Discover now