Chapter Two: The Snake Is Out

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Chapter two

Tremaine POV

It's sad to say that I haven't felt this way in so long. Being so hyped up for a lunch date and having butterflies in my stomach was old news. Now it was coming back, these butterflies in my stomach should be for my beautiful bride to be- Alison. Instead it was because of Layla. I tried to deceive myself into believing that this whole lunch date was harmless, until I walked through the cafe door and laid eyes on Layla.

"Tremaine." She gave me a hug, I could tell she was inhaling my cologne, I remember she used to always do that when we hugged. I blushed at the thought of the flashback.

"Layla, it's so nice to see you again." It was hard as hell to conceal my grin, but boy did I try my best to do so.

"Same here. So how's Alison doing?"

I look down at my lunch menu so I can order my food, "shes decent." I mumbled.

"Decent? You two are getting married soon." She laid her hand on my arm, giving me the look I was hoping she will never make again. That "look", one of her eye brows is arched and she's giving me a sultry stare, made me feel as if I was almost about to melt.

"Layla, please." I cleared my throat as I waved the waitress nearby to come take my order.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know why I did that to you. You're almost a married man." She gushed with embarrassment.

"Hello my name is Chelsea and I will be your waitress today. What would you lovely couple want for today?" When the words "lovely couple" slipped out of her mouth, Layla and I burst into giggles and blushed.

"We're not dating, just strictly friends." Layla informed chelsea.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine, I would like a cup of coffee. Nothing special." I told her.

"Same here." Chimed Layla.

When Chealsea came back with our order, the sharp sound of silence filled our conversation until Layla coughed.

"I never thought I would see you again." She glanced into my eyes, and quickly made them look in a different direction.

"Pricesly, if I can be brutally honest with you, I forgot about you- but not the memories." I knew I sounded a tad bit harsh but I wanted her to know that I'm past her, maybe not the memories, but definitely her.

She bit her bottom lip, "listen, don't believe in that whole exes can't be friend taboo crap. I'm not trying to rub you the wrong way, I just wanted to catch up with you, that's all."

I glanced around the room and saw women looking and shaking their heads at me in disgust. Probably thinking why am I sitting here drinking coffee during lunch hours with a woman that isn't my finance.

"Let's go back to my hotel room, where no one will be judging you." Layla smiled slyly, noticing how uncomfortable I felt.

****Alison POV****

Kim and I was sitting down with my wedding portfolio with pictures and designs of how I wanted my wedding to look like.

"I love the theme colors. Pink and brown is too cute, and the bridesmaids dresses are the bomb." Kim stated as she flipped the pages.

"Speaking of bridesmaids, they're coming over to my place tomorrow to measure their sizes for their dresses." I explain to her as I got up from her couch and headed to her kitchen to fill my empty glass with grey goose.

"You and Trey love you all some grey goose. Any who, I'm soo happy that I'm the maid of honor." She flipped her hair.

Suddenly the lights went off, "girl please tell me you paid the electric bill." I said as I tried to feel my way to the hallway closet to grab two flashlights.

"Of course I did." As she reached for her cell phone to call her electric company we heard a huge crash from up stairs.

I threw her a flashlight as we ran up stairs to her room.

As we entered her room a whip of wind gusted passed us as we stared in disbelief at the broken window. A brick laid on the floor, Kim went to go pick it up and she gasped.

"What is it?"

"It has words embodied in it. It says 'The Snake Is Out'." She drop the brick and looked at me, "you know what this means, right?"

"Snake is out of jail." I cried.

****Trey POV***

Layla giggled as she fell back into my arms as we laid in her hotel bed.

"I miss this." She sighed deeply.

I wrapped my arms around her tightly and spoke softly, "I miss it too."

She sat up and flipped over, now looking at me, "then why can't we relieve those memories? One time won't hurt." She traced her fingers in circular motions on my chest.

"Layla, I'm getting married soon. That's why." I pushed her hand off of me.

"Trey come on, I know you want to as bad as I do." She leaned in and kissed me.

I flipped her over as I began to undress her. I knew once I leave this room, I was going to be one ashamed fiancé.

****Alison POV****

"Trey isn't answering his damn phone. He always answers." I said as I grabbed my purse and headed for the door.

"Fuck Tremaine. He isn't the police, that's who you should be calling and you're not picking up Aldon alone. I'm coming with you." Kim grabbed her MK purse and ran after me.

"I can't call the cops Kim! You already know that. I can go to jail okay? Or did you forget that I was Snake's prostitute?"

"Alison, listen to me and I mean really listen to me okay? You played Snake, you rat him out, and you left him for Jerome- you remember that? You did three things that will ultimately set off Snake. He's going to freaking kill you once he finds you. They will not take you to jail because you were a former prostitute." She informed me as we drove to Aldon's day care.

"You don't understand Kimberly, I can't let anyone know that a pimp is after me what if word gets out and it jeopardize 'Trey Songz' have you thought about that? And not only that the police can't do anything about this. Snake is too smart for his own good if he wants me dead then he's going to find a way no matter what. "

"So what are you going to do? Uh? You just going to let Snake find you and let him kill you?" Kimberly slapped her hands on her thighs as she groaned.

"Kimberly," I said as I stopped the car, "If I'm going to die I at least want to die fighting."

"You are crazy." She shook her head, "Trey can not handle one more death. First Aldon's baby momma and now his fiancé who will end up in a casket."

I kept driving as I exhaled my breath loudly," I can get out of this okay? Call Tremaine again- I don't want him to be running out here in these streets with out a body guard. You know Snake like attacking family and love ones first."

Kimberly started to dial his number, "straight to voicemail."

I bit my bottom lip and whispered, "I'm going to kill him."  He always answers his phone, especially if I'm blowing it up.

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