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Blue was alone. Alone without shelter and without food. And alone without Ripper. Admittedly, it was weird to say that she missed the terrifying dingus, but he had left such an impression her that he really wasn't the same Raptor anymore.

Sure, he was still the most deadly, terrifying, and destructive creature she had ever met, but as long as his instincts don't get in the way, then he doesn't go straight for the kill. In fact, he tries to avoid humans all together. Blue had never figured out that part about him, now she fears she won't ever be able to.

Ripper was gone. Where to? She didn't know. And she didn't know if she ever would see him again.

Blue was in the middle of a dense forest, far away from that mansion, the one Ripper had taken her to in order to find clues as to where his creators are.

"What were you thinking, Ripper?" She asked him even though he wasn't there. There was a sudden gentle breeze that came out of nowhere, that seemed to reply to her question. "He just needed answers..." it whispered.

Of course, she thought. Of course - answers.

She suddenly stopped, seeing a shadowy figure a few feet away from her. "Ripper?" She whispered. The figure didn't move. She crept closer to it, though something told her that it was a bad idea, but she ignored her gut warning, and continued forward.

As she approached, the shadow began to slowly disappear, because it was just that: a shadow. Blue sat back once again, wallowing in her own self doubt. It seemed different without Ripper with her; it felt... dull.

Of course it feels dull, a voice inside her head agreed.

"Ivor?" She said out loud. Ripper had told her about the voice in his head a while back, and how he had named him 'Ivor'.

Not so loud! Ivor hissed. He's close.

Ripper?! She whispered as loud as she dared. He's here?

Yes, Ivor answered.

Excitement washed over Blue's body like a tidal wave, he was closer than she knew! There was just one thing that perplexed her, how was Ivor talking to her? He was Ripper's mind friend.

How are you talking to me? you're Ripper's mind friend.

In Ripper's weakened state, I am able to create a temporary bridge between two deeply connected individuals, Ivor explained.

Deeply connected individuals? Do you mean...

Yes. You two share quite the bond, Ivor mused. But, recently, that bond has broken down.

Blue stopped, and leant against a dying tree, which was a bit of a metaphor, her dying 'bond' between her and Ripper.

Suddenly, she heard a growl, followed by a scraping sound. What was that? Blue asked.

I-I need to go, Ivor said, in a sudden hurried tone.

Wait! Ivor, what is he doing?! Ivor! But he was gone, and with him, the only way she could find where Ripper was. But she did have a good idea on where to start. Ivor said that he was somewhere near here, which meant she just had to pick a direction in where to start looking.

She decided to go south, away from the sun - She knew Ripper; she knew he would try to hide away in the darkness. But south where? Could he be in a cave? No, no, no. He's too smart for that. Maybe in a dense forest, though, Blue thought as she slowly came to a stop in front of a dense forest. Well, it couldn't hurt to look. So, she stepped forward, into the forest (again).

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