Race of a lifetime

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We were all confused because we had never heard commander Wolf talk this way before so we followed him to the gunship that was still intact he pressed a button on his armour and three speeder bikes with two seats emerged. Even though we were all wearing helmets I could tell that everyone was smiling. Same thing happened for the other gunship. We grabbed our gear and we hopped onto the speeders in 30
seconds and we were ready to move up.
We starting driving away but it was hard with all the trees and a lot of monuverability. I was with sinker and I was the driver and next to us were comet and boost. Once we were on them for a while we got used to the paths. Right when I started feeling comfortable I heard a buzzing noise and my stiff. I turned my head and saw twp Umbaran fighter ships trailing us. I gave a warining to everyone and as I finished they started firing on us.
"Take evasive maneuvers!"
"I can't shake him."
A speeder infront of me explode and was about to hit is but wolf shot it and it exploded.
"Close one shinny"
"Thank you commander"
We weren't going to make it but I saw a tunnel so I said,
"Everyone to the tunnel!"
As we got to the tunnel two troopers ran to the mouth of the tunnel amd fired rocket launchers at the ships. They both went down and one pf them was heading torward the tunnel. All of us ran deeper in to the tunnel and the ship slid in destroying our speeders. Now all we could do was think of a plan. We started loosing our hope but commander wolf kept us going and we decided to venture onward into the dark tunnel to the capital.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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