Do i know you?

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He was leaning on the entrance with a smile plastered on his face. I thought I could handle this easily but seeing him was like riding a roller coaster, I was feeling happy but anxious, overwhelming but nostalgic, exhilarated but agitated. It stirred so many emotions all at once.

"Hello Marco" this was all I could manage to say

He smiled and came inside at a slow pace and sat on the hammock, facing me. He took the book from the table and started to shuffle its pages. I couldn't get myself to say anything other than hello. I looked at him, he was looking fine as always. He was very attractive even as a kid. His eyes twinkle like a bright star, he had a sharp nose but it was perfectly aligned with the shape of his lips. His messy hairs were complimenting his looks. He was like a sculptured model whom you could watch for days without getting bored.

"What made you think of me after all these years?" He said without looking at me. His facial expressions were unreadable. It was neither a tender look nor a furious one

"I missed my best friend." I answered him truthfully. There was not a day where I didn't miss him

He chuckled out aloud. It wasn't a real laugh though, it was full of sarcasm.

"Call them then why me. " He face was still buried in between the pages of the book

"You know very well that you are the only best friend i ever had"

"The best friend whom you can use and throw whenever you want. Isn't it?" He turned his all attention on me now

Ouch! My heart dropped at his harsh words.

"You have always been an important part of my life, I hope you know this. "

He laughed and said " Then, i am not sure if you are really know what "important " actually means"

He continued,

"Words could be pointless you know, its actions that tell the real intentions of your heart" he answered back immediately.

That's how Marco behaves when he's hurt. He becomes an all cold, sarcastic and defensive person. I should have known it. It would not be going to be easy to talk to him when I was the reason behind his wry behavior. But I wouldn't give up. I would try to mend what I broke.

I wanted to talk to him about everything. I wanted to talk about the trips I went on, the part-time job I did, the food I cooked, the poems I wrote. I wanted to tell him about everything. Also, I wanted to know about him too. What he did, where he went, did he make any new friends or any girlfriend. My stomach dropped at the thought of Marco having a girlfriend. I had a lot to talk about but didn't know how to or from where to.
I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath. I needed the strength to say what I was about to say to him now.

"Please! Give me chance , I can explain everything ."

His expression changed a little. His eyes darkened and his face turned a little red, he pressed his lips tightly. I could feel the little anger built up inside him. He said,

"Cut to the chase and tell why you asked me to come here? "

"I told you because I missed you. Is it that hard to believe?" I groaned

"On my way here, I met Camille. " He looked directly into my eyes. By this time his expressions were intensified.

I was completely blown away by what he said just now. My heart started to beat rapidly. It suddenly became hard to breathe. My mouth went dry. It felt like the consciousness left my body. I didn't want to be there anymore. I wanted to disappear into thin air. I wanted to say something, anything to him. But no words were coming out. It was like I forgot how to speak. All I wanted was to mend our broken past but it was getting so complicated after every passing minute. When did everything become so hard and complicated? I had a feeling it would not going to be very easy.

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