Part 1: Toxic.

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I am here to share with you the story of James Anderson, the boy who took my breath away and stole my heart, enjoy. Lizzie.

Students crowded in the halls, I held Matt's hand. We managed to part through the tightly packed bodies and reach the lockers in the east wing; not far from the entrance. Taking a deep sigh, I stared up at matt. His dirty blonde hair was ruffled and he wore a simple grey t-shirt with black jogging bottoms. He always managed to look effortlessly smart. His hazel eyes were kind and his lips were thin, yet so soft. Unbelievably well-groomed eyebrows hooded his almond-shaped eyes whilst he checked through his phone. Me and Matt we were still together, but feeling had worn over the years, and it was becoming harder and harder to make it work. We both knew it wasn't going to last much longer, but the aura of past reliance loomed over us. Fear. Worry. Isolation. Simply, we didn't want to be alone.

Hammering my ear drums, the bell rung persistently as students swarmed along the halls and into the classrooms.
"Bye Liz" Matt sighed, kissing me gently on the forehead.
"See you" I replied, following his presence as he walked on.
My back sunk into the locker behind, I sat down on the floor and hugged my books into my chest.

As the halls were now empty, tears trickled along my cheeks. My heart sank. My relationship had to end, I couldn't live feeling trapped by my fears any longer. Shouting echoed down the hall. Curiously, I glanced over. A tall, smug, brunette boy was being dress-coded. No one I'd ever seen before though. His hair was messy, he was running his hand through it, stopping it from falling over his eyes. No wonder he was getting dress-coded, a jet-black leather jacket was tightly coating his muscles and around 5 silver chains hung loosely around his neck. Not to mention his black ripped jeans showing his rough (even scarred in some places) skin. Glancing back at me, he looked me up at down and smirked. Quickly, I wiped the tears off my face and stood up.
"DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL, MR. ANDERSON" The Principal yelled at him.
Almost proudly, he wandered over. His brilliant blue eyes pierced through me. I was intoxicated by his dangerous countenance. Towering over me, his face was only a few inches from mine. My heart was pounding; my stomach doing somersaults.
"See you after school," He whispered "Miss...?"
"Cooke," I mumbled, confused "Wait why am I-"
As if he had never seen me, he continued to wander down the hall.
"ELIZABETH COOKE, IN HERE NOW!" The Principal shouted with a terrifying rage.
Still confused, I walked with haste into his office and sat down.
"I hear you've been skipping classes Miss. Cooke" He stated, calmer but with a hint of annoyance.
"No, only today I-" I stuttered quickly.
"Excuses will not be tolerated Miss, I suggest you turn up to detention after school today, that is if you don't want further punishment" He strictly stated.
"But I-" I pleaded.
"Now, OUT" He commanded
I sighed. As I walked to class, I saw him again, smoking by the entrance.
"Typical" I mumbled to myself.
Rather regrettably, I knew I now had to drag myself to AP English.

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