The Beginning of the end

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And so the silent hero and the blood of the goddess made their way back to the castle. It felt almost impossible that it was all finally over,  Zelda spoke to link of many things on the tread  towards the ruins of Hyrule Castle, the hero listened without a word, just glad to feel safe, and know that he can finally begin to remember the wonderful people in his life. Starting with Princess Zelda, the one who never gave up on him no matter how many times he had to flee or how many times he had to start again. She was an inspiration to all and especially to the appointed knight. 

After reaching the castle, Link and Zelda had to figure out what to do next, now that the calamity has been vanquished what now? Link wondered about the hylians in the villages, the rito out in the mountains, the gerudo hidden away in their desert, the gorons under the volcano and the zora off in the wetlands. He wondered what is to come next, what should become of the new found champions he became so well acquainted with and the old that he felt a great sadness for. after what felt like only moments to the young heroes, it came time that they needed to begin a new, Zelda suggested that they find the nearest village and announce the long overdue news of Gannon's defeat. So again the two began the long journey across the land, they stopped at every stable and every town where they spread the tale of their grand victory. They road horseback through the woods and over the hills, they needed recruits to help re-build the kingdom, with the guardians and the work of every race, soon enough Hyrule would be better than ever before. 


The kingdom of an everlasting war. Doomed by the devastation of re-incarnated evil, rebuilt once again and filled with hope and light. For whilst the goddess watches over Hyrule will always prevail with the help of the Chosen hero and The Descendant of the goddess. This enteral battle plagued the hero's mind throughout his travels, he wondered why, and he pondered the meaning of this endless strife on the land. Now that Hyrule is safe for another few generations, what shall he do with his time? The first thought to cross his mind when considering the remainder of his life was the zora, or more specifically the zora heirs, the long lost, but never forgotten Princess Mipha, and the brave Prince Sidon. The Prince had helped so much throughout Link's journey and link wished to pay him a visit. However as the Appointed knight of the now Queen Zelda he could not just ride off on a whim, his visitation took many weeks in advance to prepare and each day he became more and more lustful for adventure. By the Mid summer Link was Permitted to leave for a week to explore and venture where ever see saw fit, he was given a royal horse and accordingly nutrients, however he refused the food, knowing he wanted to hunt and gather just as he did in the time after his awakening. 

And so, just like that the Hero began to make his way to Lanaryu and the Zora's domain. It was a days trip that the hero enjoyed immensely, no evil guardians to worry about and he could easily hunt down a boar or goat if he so pleased. Link took Great pleasure in every moment of this adventure, until he came across the waterfalls where he first met the zora Prince.  He took a moment to stare thoughtfully, the setting filled him with a strange emptiness that he couldn't quite pin. The young Knight reminisced on his first arrival at the Zora's Domain and how, although his worry for Zelda was prominent, he knew exactly what to do and where to go. Now the Hero felt lost and unsure. Never the less he continued on, leaving his steed behind and using the Zora Armour gifted to him by the Zora Prince to slice through the rushing waters and up the streams, he swam and he hiked, then he hiked and he swam, until he finally reached the giant Blue shimmering gates of the Zora's Domain. 

The hero made his way across the bridge to see the familiar red tones of the Zora Prince, Sidon. Once again, the hero was fulled with mixed feelings that he could not explain, a longing, a curiosity and most of all a loss. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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