1. Long Awaited Opportunity

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The minute hand on the large metal clock ticked by slowly, drawing out every second as though it were it's last. Two twenty seven. Larissa sighed as her eyes darted yet again to the stack of quizzes on her desk, silently praying for the time to hurry up. If only her powers were time based. Alas not to be. Closing her eyes, she rubbed them trying to quash the headache that was brewing.

Another thirty three minutes before the damn nazi clock would signal the bell and end of classes for the day. That end was taking way too long in coming. Larissa only wanted to go home, relax a smidgen, then prepare for the Festival of Love ceremony.

In three nights time the full moon would arrive and on every full moon, Larissa and her Coven, the Leather Leaf Coven, always celebrated with the Festival of Love. Any normal person, generally speaking, humans, would consider it a debauchery of sex and degradation. Her Coven did not view it in such a manner but rejoiced in the glorious feeling of procreation that made life worth living, expressing their desires in the various manners that they each choose to do. First they would give thanks to Gaia via the Flower Song, their voices raised in praise as they burnt petals of various flowers. Then would come the weekly confessions which would be felt through the night. Only after that did they feast on plants, vegetables and fruits with only the splattering of meat, followed shortly thereafter by the Glory, the moment where all sisters and any guest partake of the praise to Gaia and orgy that followed.

As usual Larissa's thoughts always fell on the Confessional. One could not always be on one's best behaviour, and unfortunately for her, she was not. That could only mean an extra long trip over Lead Sisters knee. She always agonized over the discipline of the Coven yet somehow, would not have it any other way.

Looking over the classroom, students dressed in the green and black uniforms nearing thirty in number, scribbled hurriedly trying to finish the test which would end at the sound of the bell. Larissa, hoped they had paid attention to her lessons for she deliberately gave the answers in the first half of the class. If they listened they would pass, if not then a failing grade would be their reward. Gaia knew she worked hard enough in the lesson plans. If any of them failed this test, so help her she would turn them over her knee, bare their bottom, and...

A knock on classroom door roused her from the suddenly interesting thought. Though forbidden to treat students in such a manner, sometimes the desire to put the 'I-know-everything-despite-barely-being-out-of-diapers' brats in their place was nearly overwhelming. Though in truth, she could make it so that the students would be too scared to tell their parents. A witch had her ways. Of course, such an act was in clear violation of the Coven.

Getting up, Larissa opened the door and the pudgy and likeable, to all but her, Mrs. Richards stood in the doorway.

"Mr. Villiss wants to see you after class." The Vice principal said then turned and walked away without even waiting for a response.

Larissa stared at the fat back of the woman and quickly imagined turning the woman into a goat. She immediately shook her head and winced. 'I'm going to pay for that one tonight.' she berated herself silently. Her Coven had rules and one of them was no bad thoughts about others. 'A thought derived in anger is a deed brought closer to doing.' as was one of Clarisse's favorite sayings. As it was, Larissa had gotten enough disciplinary action due to ill thoughts regarding the ill tempered Vice principal. One would think after nearly eight spankings, one would simply learn to ignore the rotund, irritating nuisance. Larissa always was a little stubborn though.

As to why the Vice principal found her so displeasing was unknown, but then Larissa never really cared much what the other woman thought of her. Sighing Larissa walked back to her desk taking slight comfort in the fact that tonight was mid week and not Night of Confessions. The one benefit of Wednesday was that any sister could go to their leader, Clarisse, and confess any ill thoughts or deed up to that point, which would reduce the punishment earned Sunday night. It was very similar to a down payment on a particular item, save the 'payment' was paid on ones butt. Besides, Larissa was feeling the urge for a little lap time, if only she didn't fear it as well. For now though, the principal wanted to see her.

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