A Fae Life

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Larissa hurried to the basement and opened a small barred window and whistled. The sprite zipped in like a fighter bomber, swooping past her to land on a stack of boxes.

“Faecara, help me you must, you must. Please come quickly. Zan Tooyen is dying.” the little sprite said in a rush, falling over his words.

If not for having dealt with the Fae before Larissa wouldn't have understood the little craeture. As it was, even with her experience, Larissa just made out what he meant by catching some of his words. Some Fae tended quicken their speech when excited.

“Easy little one, I'll help. Where is your Zan tooyen?”

Larissa loved the Fae language with it's odd yet soft tones. Though sometimes she didn't understand the spelling of some words, like Faecara which meant Fae friend yet was pronounced Fae- caRA. Zan tooyen was written remarkably accurately and meant Great Old One.

“The large grove close to the old cemetery.” The little one buzzed like an angry bee, never settling in one place for any length of time.

“What is your name?”


“Well let's go Zee...” Something scuffled to her left behind a stack of boxes. Larissa stood and listened carefully, blocking out the humming of Zeephan's wings. There, another noise.

Larissa used her innate power of air and swooshed the boxes aside as though they were empty, holding them aloft. Huddling behind the two boxes where a naked boy and girl. Andrew McCain and Megan Follows.

Larissa's anger swelled. She was charged with keeping the Fae safe and secret. These two now saw and heard Zeephan which kind of ruined the 'keep-the-Fae-secret' gig. Now she was forced to do something she did not want to do, deal with curious teens when a Fae life hung in the balance. She would have to tread wearily.

Drawing on her full power, she called for a wave of wind to pick up the teens and carry them closer. Their surprise was tantamount to a total freak out, screaming while being yanked in the air by the unseen. Fear now radiated from them and their faces were masks of worry.

Larissa wasn't surprised by their reaction, knowing full well how she looked when channeling her power. Her hair would come alive, locks once spiraling down would curl up and reach outward with a life all their own and her eyes would grow intense, almost glowing. Most importantly, the mask of age that she used when at school to look like her true age of 46 disappeared and now she looked like the 22 year old that she was not. Again, there were benefits to channeling the power of magic and downfalls. Depositing the kids gently at her feet she glared at them sternly.

“Andrew, Megan, what are you doing here?” her voice cracked like a whip.

Both teens jerked at her voice and stared blankly at her. They held each other seeking comfort while being confronted with something not of this world. Andrew had not a stitch on but was fairly well muscled and moderately well endowed while Megan wore only her stalkings which, Larissa winced at, was a good look for her. Teachers were not supposed to look at students that way she knew.

“I asked a question, and when I asked it you WILL answer.” Larissa used a swat of air to land on both their backsides solidly.

Both teens jerked in pain and surprise, clutching their cheeks.

“We... we... just wanted some...” Andrew began before swallowing, “time alone.”

“What... what is that?” Megan asked through her fear, her large green eyes staring at the sprite on her shoulder.

“THAT young lady is something you do not need to know!” Through her power she immobilized Andrew then drew Megan up into the air and brought her nose to nose.

A Faecaran WitchWhere stories live. Discover now