2. The Matchmaker

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Seokmin's wide smile hasn't changed one bit. The moment he entered the Chwe-Boo house, the whole place was filled with sunshine and happiness.

- Do I smell pizza?

- Yeah, I hope this one's not burnt.- Seungkwan worriedly turned his head to the kitchen to see if there's smoke filling up the air.

- You burnt pizza?!- Dokyeom looked really offended.

- Please don't take it personally,- Vernon smiled at Dokyeom's dramatic face.

The guest also smiled warmly and the hosts lead him to the dining room.

- You two sit here, I'll look at the pizzas and be right back.

- So,- Vernon started speaking,- how have you been?

- Entertaining as ever.- Dokyeom smiled,- I'm hosting parties and stuff most of the time.

- What about your musicals?

- I just returned from a long tour so I'll be taking a short break from performing.

- Please tell us when your next musical happens, we're gonna be there this time as well.

- Actually all the guys watched the musical last time. On different days but still everyone was there. Except for Jisoo.- Dokyeom sighed,- is he still in LA?

- We informed him that we're having a reunion and invited him but got no response.

- What's with the sour faces?- Seungkwan entered the dining room with the pizza.

- Nevermind, I'm not sad anymore,- Dokyeom said with a wide smile.

Seungkwan was going to tell him to leave at least a few slices for the others but the doorbell rang and everyone turned their attentions to the entrance. They walked to the door and Seungkwan looked through the peephole.

- Oh, it's our matchmaker,- Seungkwan smiled at his husband.

This could only mean one thing. Behind the door was Vernon's best friend Kim Mingyu. He was indeed the matchmaker of the Verkwan couple.

Back in the university years, Mingyu used to share a room with Vernon. He would always notice the small funny boy randomly visiting Vernon, inviting him to movies and getting angry and dramatic when Vernon refused to go. Mingyu liked the cute boy so he decided to befriend him. One day,  Mingyu and Seungkwan went to the movies together because Vernon agreed at first and Seungkwan happily bought the tickets but later the younger canceled the plans and Seungkwan gave the tickets to Mingyu before running away with a sad and disappointed face. Mingyu chased him down the hallway and offered to go together. Seungkwan agreed, mentioning that it's not a date.

After the movie they went to eat some hamburgers and Mingyu suddenly asked Seungkwan if he liked Vernon. The younger answered his question by choking on his coke. 

- I'll take this as a yes,- Mingyu chuckled after being sure that Seungkwan was alive and properly breathing.

-  Yes but it's like crushing on a wall. A feelingless, cold wall, who will never return my feelings so I'd like to get rid of them.

- Don't give up that easily, Seungkwan. Vernon's not cold, he's just,- Mingyu motioned Seungkwan to move closer,- he's just really stupid and clueless. And he probably doesn't have an idea that you have feelings for him that's why he's not even thinking about returning them.

- How can someone not get my hints? I literally gifted him a cupcake in a box that said "sweet just like you". Of course when he thanked me for it by ruffling my hair I turned around to leave and hit my head on the wall so he may have been confused but my hints are still clear!

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