9. The Roommates

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A/N: I didn't get a notification of the previous chapter being updated so I decided to check if anyone got them. If not, then go read chapter 8 and come back here :)

- I'm pretty sure you're all tired since you came here from works and airports and stuff so let's get to choosing roommates now,- Seungkwan said, putting the dirty plates on each other.

- Can we do it in a less competitive and a more peaceful way though?- Minghao yawned.

- All right, all right. The simplest way. We decide an order, everyone goes upstairs in that order and enters a room.

- Except you and Vernon,- Joshua smiled.

- Yes, except us. And we'll have 5 rooms with 2 people and one room with 1. So if 2 people are already in one room, lock the door so that nobody else can go inside.

- One of the rooms doesn't have a doorknob though,- Dokyeom laughed pointing at Mingyu.

- Then just push the door or something. We don't want everyone to be piled in a room and some rooms emptying, okay?

Everyone nodded in agreement and as they were really tired, they decided to go by age order- eldest to youngest.

Seungcheol went upstairs first, walked past all the rooms and stopped at the one in the far end of the hallway. He then sent a message to Vernon telling the next person to go up.

Next up was Jeonghan. He opened a random door to his left, ending up alone in the room.

Joshua ended up in the room with Jun's and Minghao's stuff in it, thinking whether he should've chosen another room as the two possibly wanted to share. Soon Jun appeared in the same room only to take his stuff and walk somewhere else. Joshua only shrugged.

Soonyoung entered an empty room plopping on the bed. He was a little drunk so he didn't even care if he got a roommate or not. He just lied on his side, eyes slowly closing.

Wonwoo entered the room, where Jeonghan was waiting with a smile. He also gave the older a small smile and started unpacking.

Soonyoung suddenly got up as he heard someone open the door and say "Fucking hell!"

- Woozi, hey!- Soonyoung opened his arms but the younger walked to the bed next to Soonyoung's and put his stuff there.- ah whatever!

Soonyoung turned back to his old position and quickly fell asleep letting out quiet snores. Jihoon looked at the sleeping male and then locked their door, as there were already 2 people there.

Dokyeom went upstairs and opened the door with Seungcheol sitting there. The two hugged each other and started taking out their stuff, pretty contented with the roommate they got.

Mingyu didn't cheat on his room with a broken doorknob and soon Minghao followed him there after taking his stuff from Joshua's room. The latter, by the way, was hoping that this time someone would stay but he was betrayed by Xu Minghao as well.

Chan walked upstairs and as he opened the door to his left he got met with Mingyu and Minghao.

- You forgot to lock your door,- the youngest smile and quickly left opening the door next to the previous one.

It was the room Joshua was in. Chan slyly smiled after leaving the older alone and walked to the next door, which was locked. The larger room in the end of hallway belonged to Seungkwan and Vernon and everyone seemed to figure it out but Chan decided to see what's inside.

- Ew couple room,- he quickly got out.

The next two doors were also locked so he silently walked to the first door to the right from the stairs. There, a smiley Jun was waiting for him and Chan didn't leave the room this time, feeling a little guilty for leaving Joshua alone.

The said male actually didn't feel lonely anymore. He started undressing himself while humming a peaceful song and layed down on the single bed falling asleep in a few minutes.

Vernon and Seungkwan went upstairs after cleaning the table and washing up and immediately headed to their bedroom.

- You're not mad at me for what I said before, right?- Vernon asked as he entered the bathroom connected both to their room and the hallway.

Seungkwan was already there brushing his teeth. He finished brushing, spit the toothpaste in the sink, dried his face with a towel and looked at his husband.

- No, not at all, I'm used to you joking about hating me in front of guys,- he walked past Vernon to their bed.

- Oh, come on. The joke didn't even mean that I hate you. Boo, we're literally married.

- But it meant that living with me is a punishment for you.

- You know it was only a joke.

- I don't know, was it?

- Yes.

- I don't believe you,- Seungkwan said sitting on the bed in his pink pyjama set with crossed arms.

- Stop sulking, baby,- Vernon said from the bathroom also brushing his teeth,- ye know I'm bleshed to be your huzhband.

- Don't talk while brushing teeth, you make no sense.

- I said you know I'm blessed to be your husband.

- Shut the fuck up.- Seungkwan said with a red face.

Vernon took off his clothes and went under the covers with boxers only. He wrapped his arms around Seungkwan's waist from behind and kissed the older's neck.

- Do you forgive me?

Seungkwan turned around and pecked Vernon on the lips.

- I'll think about it.

Vernon flashed his gummy smile, which still made Seungkwan crazy after all those years. He then pulled Seungkwan closer deeply kissing the older.

- You know what we can do?- Vernon said with a smirk after breaking the kiss.

- Believe me, Nonie, you're irresistible but we can't have sex now.

- Why not?

- Do you know who's our rommates?

- No.

- Well me neither but we can't be caught having sex when we're surrounded by those idiots.

- So no sex this week?

- We'll see about that,- Seungkwan said tiredly and yawned,- let's go to sleep now, shall we?

Vernon pecked Seungkwan's forehead making the older smile and said:

- Night Boo.

- Night night, Chwe.

A/N: this one was shorter than usual, sorry.

Also, here's a quickly made scheme of the second floor of Verkwan house, because I needed to sort the members in their rooms in a way it works well with the plot :D

My handwriting is terrible but we can just say that I'm ArTisTiC and cReAtiVe.

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