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The scarred and angered Megatron along with Starscream went into exile, making their new, small base in Namibia, Africa. Megatron found an abandoned Mack semi truck, scanned it, and made some additional changes such as spikes on the front bumper and the Decepticon symbol. Not too long after setting up the base, Megatron sent a transmission to Soundwave, who was still floating in orbit, "Soundwave, you are no longer needed up there. Land at these coordinates and we will start our new plan. Operation: Pillar." Megatron informed him, sending him the coordinates to the base. "I understand." Soundwave responded, "Ravage, follow to the base, it is time." He then added before entering Earth's atmosphere and making his decent to the surface. "My lord, what about the Constructicons? Most of them are still alive and in hiding." Starscream asked. "Their part will come soon enough. As of this moment, our only concern is that of will our mission to awaken Shockwave be successful." Megatron replied. "Oh, I have no doubt that this plan will fail, master." Starscream sarcasticly said.

Soundwave and his companion, Ravage, arrived nearly at the same time, Soundwave transforming from his satellite before making contact with the ground. "Lord Megatron, you are wounded." Soundwave observed. Megatron looked away, almost embarrassed. Soundwave looked at Ravage who opened his chest to release Scalpel who Soundwave picked up and held him up to Megatron's head. Scalpel started crawling over his skull and immediately began repairing it, "zis will take some time." Scalpel said to Megatron. "Much appreciated, Soundwave." Megatron thanked, annoying Scalpel a bit for not getting one, "Here you will need a vehicle to hide among the humans." Megatron advised Soundwave. "Acknowledged. I have already created a model of a land vehicle." Soundwave replied. From his eye's he could see the model of a gray Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG that he scanned and began morphing his body into. When it was complete, Soundwave opened his chest let out his metallic bird partner, Laserbeak, that he then let rest on his arm.

The Autobots with NEST arrived back at the base in Diego Garcia where they buried Jolt's body and Jetfire's parts outside next too Jazz, even making gravestones over them to honor their sacrifices. NEST soldiers reported that some of the Constructicon clones that formed Devastator had survived, the ones dying being Payload, Mixmaster's clone, Hightower's clone, Scrapper's clone, and Scrapmetal's clone. Optimus Prime's message was heard throughout the Galaxy where he received responses from more and more Autobots in hiding if they could come to Earth. The whole base watched again as 3 three Protoforms flew through the sky, this time they were happy about it. The Protoforms each landed in a NASCAR race track.

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