chapter nineteen.

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Harry Potter sat in Ron Weasley's living room. Hermione Granger sat near him, fighting with Ron, while Ginny sat next to him. Remus Lupun and Nymphadora Tonks sat next to each other across from Harry.

"Malfoy knows something," Ginny whispered to him. "I mean, did you hear him at Slughorn's Christmas party? He asked Riddle where he was the night Lilith died. He knows something we don't."

"I wouldn't be surprised," Harry whispered back. "The whole group is suspicious, especially Riddle. He doesn't seem that beat up about it."

"I did hear that he snapped a few times," Ginny whispered, shrugging. "Like a lot, actually. Not many people know about it because people are afraid to say anything."

"Do you think he killed her?"

"I don't know," Ginny whispered. "I think he had something to do with why she died."

Harry nodded and cleared his throat. "Like I said, that whole group has something wrong with them," he said, back to a normal tone. "Draco Malfoy knows something we don't, and he's plotting something. I know it has something to do with Voldemort. He's been given a task or a mission— and Snape was offering to help."

"Maybe they all have something to do with it," Ginny mumbled to herself.

"Voldemort has chosen Draco Malfoy for a mission?" Remus asked, turning to Harry.

"I know it sounds mad—" Harry started.

Remus cut him off. "Has it occurred to you, Harry, that Snape was simply pretending to offer Draco help so that he could find out what he was up to?"

"That's not what it sounded like," Harry defended.

"Perhaps Harry's right, Remus," Tonks started. "To make an Unbreakable Vow, after all—"

Remus shook his head. "It comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgement. He trusts Snape. Therefore, I do."

"But Dumbledore can make mistakes," Harry reasoned. "He said it himself—"

"You're blinded by hatred."

"No, I'm not—"

"Yes, you are! People are disappearing, Harry. Daily. We can only put our trust in a handful of people. If we start fighting amongst ourselves, we're doomed."

Tonks glanced at Harry, giving him a warning look.

Remus stood up and started towards the kitchen, stopping in the doorway. He looked back at Harry and sighed.

"Go easy on Snape for once, will you? His daughter was killed. It's taking a tole on him."

He turned to Ginny.

"And go easy on Mattheo Riddle. His father may be a horrible person, but he actually loved her. Her death can't be easy for him either."


"What do you think Malfoy meant when he asked Riddle what he was doing the night Lilith Snape died?" Harry asked as him, Hermione, and Ron sat in Ron's room.

"I don't know, Harry," Hermione said. "Can you just leave it? He probably didn't mean anything by it."

"He definitely meant something by it," Ron said. "But I don't think we should try figuring it out."

Harry shook his head. "Something happened to her, and they had something to do with it."

"Honestly, Harry," Hermione scoffed. "Are you so thick that you think her boyfriend and friend would have killed her?"

Harry shrugged. "Look at who you're talking about, Hermione."

"No, no," Ron said, nodding. "I think Harry's right. I mean, You-Know-Who's son? And Draco Malfoy? His father's a death eater."

Hermione shook her head. "Do you suppose we should take this theory of yours to Dumbledore? That's more of an accusation than you saying Malfoy cursed Katy."

Harry shrugged. "I don't think they both killed her, I just think they both played a part."

Hermione huffed and stood up. "You're both ridiculous. I'm sure that Mattheo and Draco and Blaise are having a hard enough time as it is. They don't need you accusing them of killing someone they loved."

"Where are you going?" Ron asked as she started towards the door.

"Ginny's room."

"Wait, Hermione!" Harry said, stopping Hermione. She raised her brows. "If you don't think they did it, who do you think did it?"

"Lilith's secrets are what killed her."

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