ƈɧą℘ɬɛཞ 1

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The morning light shined through the glass windows, basking the sleeping child on the bed with warm light.

The child groaned, not liking it a bit.

"Prince, it's time to wake up." a voice said outside, her tone neutral and uncaring.

The maid didn't even make sure he woke up before turning and walking away, the sounds of her footsteps echoed through the silent hallway.

Shuffling of the silky sheets was heard before the child groaned, sitting up, the silky white sheets slipping off of him.

He rubbed his eye before blinking, staring at his hands blankly.

He snapped out of his trance and sighed tiredly 'Tsk. I forgot I became a child again and here I thought I could finally rest after the execution.' he thought and sighed once again.

The child with pale blonde locks stood up and stretched, groaning tiredly before heading to his bathroom to wash up as the maid brought the breakfast in his room.

After washing up, he ate at the balcony where the maid prepared his breakfast and morning tea, watching the birds and the garden full of colorful flowers in silence.

It's always like this everyday.

Wake up, eat, do paper works and roam around. Alone all day round.

He doesn't mind it the way he does in his past life, it's okay, he got used to it already.

He'll just wait till he's 21 again to be framed and executed but he'll enjoy his time alone until then.

After finishing his breakfast, the Prince stood up and went outside to roam around his garden.

He was humming a peaceful but sad tune while walking before sitting down on a bench in the middle of the field of flowers, his humming voice echoed through the field, carried by the wind.

He closed his eyes, the side of his lips twitching into a small smile, face peaceful.

The Prince continued to hum, the wind blowing his hair back, eyes still closed not noticing the small figure watching him from afar, amazement plastered on their face.

"What're you doing?" another child suddenly appeared behind the watching child, causing them to jump.

The child quickly covered the slightly taller boy and hissed at him "Shut it, you'll disturb him!"

Too late.

"Who's there?" A gentle but indifferent voice asked.

The two looked at each other, the taller shrugging while the other was glaring at the former.

They came out of their hiding spot and faced the child's blank eyes. He blinked a little before nodding "A pleasure to meet you here Princess Athanasia and the young magician Lucas."

"Greetings Oracle." Lucas greeted back while slightly bowing, Athanasia still gawking at the child in front of her.

'Huh? Oracle? What's that?' While Athanasia was deep in thought, Lucas is getting more and more irritated, his finger twitching slightly and nudged her side.

"You-" Athanasia snapped at him but stopped remembering the third presence with them whose now looking at the flower field with empty but calm eyes, not paying attention to them anymore.

"Who is he?" Athanasia whispered to Lucas, Lucas whispering back the answer "The oracle and also the prince."


"Are you both done?" An emotionless voice asked them, the two snapping their head back at the child whose glancing at them with a slight frown albeit unnoticeable to Athanasia but not to Lucas.

"A-Ah yes. We're just walking around B-Brother." Athanasia said with a bright sweet fake smile, accidentally saying Brother without thinking.
(A/N: I don't really like it when she smiles fakely at Claude, makes me sad ಥ‿ಥ)

The child's eyes sharpened before it relaxed, his eyes drifting off to the flower field once again and whispering "Please don't call me Brother, we're not close." enough for them to hear.


The two stood in silence, feeling the awkwardness.

The pale-blonde glanced at them before sighing and moving to the right side of the bench for more space "Do sit if you want to."

The two looked at each other before doing as told and sat at the pale blonde's right, Athanasia at the middle and Lucas at the other end.

The pale blonde leaned back at the bench and exhaled, closing his eyes and not a minute later, he fell asleep.

"He's. . . asleep?" Athanasia asked, confused, finding some similarities on Claude and the Prince.

"Say Lucas." she called in a whisper as to not disturb the sleeping blonde.

Lucas hummed and she continued to ask "What's his name?"

Lucas glanced over at them before answering "The first Prince and Oracle, Ansel de Alger Obelia. Not many knew of his name and was almost basically forgotten because he doesn't go out of his palace very often."


After a few minutes spent in silence, Athanasia decided to speak "Should we go? Lilly must be searching for me already."

"Hm. Yeah."



"Can I have a blanket?"

Lucas scowled in irritation before complying, summoning a thick white blanket, Athanasia took it from him and covered it on the sleeping blonde. "There. Let's go."

The two went away, not noticing that the pale blonde child have already woken up "Annoying." he whispered before standing up.

He walked down the path between the flower beds to his palace, planning to do some paperwork, not expecting to bump into someone very unexpected.

"Ah Prince!" A red haired knight suddenly exclaimed, excitedly jogging up to him before bowing an saying his proper greetings "Blessings and glory upon the first star and treasure of Obelia."

The blonde just nodded and started to walk away, not expecting the red-head to follow him "I'll escort you to your room Your Highness."

Ansel just nodded, too tired to deal with anything 'Why are all these people popping up inside my palace? Do they not know of privacy or permission? The disrespect'

The two soon arrived at Ansel's office, Felix bowing at him before walking away, leaving the Prince to do his work.

Ansel sighed, irritated by the day's events "If they just continue to ignore me and leave me alone, it would be much appreciated.


Thanks for the wait, I hope you enjoyed the chapter although it's a bit rushed.

Is the chapter good?

A special chapter to make up? You can request it to me if you want to.

Ah anyways, I'll be sleeping now Bye Bye and Thanks for reading.

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