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"It's hard to tell who has your back, from who has it long enough just to stab you in it."
Nicole Richie

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The smell of smoke, blood and steel filled the air as the clashing of blades was heard from every corner. The village was in the middle of a civil war, the normally peaceful and passionate villagers were storming the diabolos castle where the horribly out numbered knights fought tooth and nail to protect their lives.

"Lord Diabolos we must leave, the western wing has fallen and the north is sure to follow!" A man screamed as he darted into the throne room, his breath short as his chainmail glistened red around his wounds.

The normally calm and collected Atlas had his scruffy and stubbled face in a worried expression, his black hair shifted under his nasal helmet as he fixed his black and red surcoat that proudly displayed the diabolos ring of thorns as his blue eyes searched for any imperfections.

Across the room sitting sat the calm and collected Darcius Diabolos, also known as XaXa'zil the faceless 12th acolyte of Khorne and crowned prince of the royal dynasty.

The acolytes white hair and pale skin was completely hidden away behind his prized armour. The armours sharp corners and royal colours inspired a aura of fear and respect among both enemies and allies alike.

"We won't be able to leave, at least not in one piece..." XaXa'zil pondered as He looked over the panicking knights, their facial expressions left unhidden. As XaXa'zil glanced around the room he paid extra attention to the dead bodies that decorated the floor, the collected puddle of blood leaked down into the lower bowls of the complex.

"Our only hope is the old caverns, if we can navigate our way through the passages we can escape through the forest." XaXa'zil stated earning a loud outcry from the trembling knights, the thought of the flooded tunnels too much for them.

"Enough!" XaXa'zil bellowed causing silence to claim the group once more "whatever rumours you've heard shall not and will not interfere with our escape."

"But witches and demons reside down there." Someone gulped earning nods from a few others, the fear the knights showed further draining XaXa'zils patience.

"Fine stay here then, but I'm not getting drawn and quartered anytime soon." XaXa'zil stated as Atlas followed him down into the depths of the castle.

The normally depressing atmosphere was laced with dread and fear creating a truly debilitating aura, paranoia was setting in as Atlas had his sword in a white knuckled grip. as the duo listened intently the clashing of steel sounded in the halls behind them where the remaining knights fought for their lives, unswayed from his goal XaXa'zil continued down towards the caverns leaving the knights to their deaths.

Descending past the dungeon floor XaXa'zil made it to a latter further descending down a wooden elevator shaft, the only light now being a lone lantern that made the journey manageable. The duo wordlessly descended the latter into the caverns, the rumbles of the siege shaking dirt into the XaXa'zils eyes.

"This tunnel used to be used to move lumber to the castle, if we follow the leftover scraps quietly we should be able to find our way out without alerting anyone." XaXa'zil whispered earning a nod from atlas, both of them sweating from the temperature of the humid tunnels.


XaXa'zils POV
It's been a three full days, Hallucinations are now prominent and Atlas's mind is crumbling, I'm in no better shape since the silent passages filled themselves with whispers and screams slowly swaying me towards Suicide. Luckily enough i appear to be the only one hearing these whispers, at least that's what I believe.

Trudging through the knee high waters of red boiling tar I revealed a half eaten loaf of bread, the loafs shell riddled with mold, tar and dirt. As I neared it my mouth I was interrupted by a sword clashing against my armour.

Quickly drawing my blade I parried another strike aimed for my throat, my now exposed attacker revealed himself to be none other then Atlas. The crazed knight struggled to maintain his footing as he attempted to unlodge his blade from the wooden support that now contained it.

"What in Khornes name are you doing Atlas?!" I bellowed as he tackled me into the tar abandoning his blade, his attempts to kill me painfully oblivious.

"This is your fault, if you haven't dragged me into the tunnels, I wouldn't be stuck down here with you!" Atlas growled, the Tars vapour twisting his mind as his eyes bled killing intent.

With a swift kick to Atlas's leg I managed to free myself, my sword now lost in the tar I was forced to use my clawed gauntlets.

"You hideous bastard, I chose to enter the tunnels while you followed me like the lost vermin you are." I cackled as Atlas seethed with rage.

Atlas swung his shield towards my head, the dirtied shields metal rim smashed against my forearm as I countered with a left hook. My strike aimed towards his stomach connected with his solar plexus knocking him towards his knees.

"I hate you." Atlas bellowed as he struggled to stand.

"You were my brother Atlas, I loved you." I grinned as he finally made it to his feet.

With a charge I launched Atlas headfirst into the stone wall, the force of the throw snapping his neck and collapsing the rooftop on top of him and destabilizing the entire tunnel.

"Shit." I panted, the toxic fumes now terrorizing my lungs. In a last ditch attempt at freedom I broke into a sprint, the tunnel now collapsing behind me causing the tar to rise.

In a twist or fate i emerged back in the castle next to the elevator shaft as the tunnel collapsed, the ladder now broken beyond repair stranding me in the ghost of a castle.

The room was now filled chin high with tar, the bodies the discarded bodies of the fallen knight now lined the improvised tomb. Drifting in and out of darkness I could only chuckle at this turn of events, the mighty XaXa'zil spends his last moments stranded in a tar filled room with the bodies of his loyal knights strewn about.

With one last prayer to Khorne everything went black.

Wow that turned out better then I expected...

Let me know what you think so I can get the confidence to continue.

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