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Third person pov


Mashiho heard a voice from behind and got pulled back then he fell to the ground and landed on top of the figure

"A-Are you okay?" The figure asked checking if Mashiho got any injury but Mashiho wasn't paying attention, he was still crying thinking about his friends

"Yah! Mashi, how could you think of ending your life and leaving me here all alone" the figure said with a cracked voice, Mashiho looked up and saw Junkyu with a tear-stained face

Mashiho immediately hugged Junkyu, how come Junkyu never crossed his mind when he was about to do that

"K-Kyu~ I-I'm sorry" Mashiho said hugging Junkyu with all his strength

Junkyu pulled out of the hug and wiped Mashiho's cheeks

"Now tell me what happened" Junkyu said and then sat down beside Mashiho

Mashiho told him everything starting from when he met Daehwi

"Everything will be alright, I'm sure they'll realise you're not wrong" Junkyu said and held Mashiho's hand while Mashiho just nodded

"And I don't think Daehwi's a bad guy, you just got jealous because all the attention went to him" Junkyu said

"Mmm I think so too but I can't help it especially when he's beside you, I feel like he's gonna snatch you from me" Mashiho said looking down

"Don't say that, You belong to me Mashi and I'm all yours" Junkyu said and kissed his temple

"Come on let's get out of here it's getting cold" Junkyu said and stood up and pulled Mashiho up

"Stay close to me" Junkyu said and held Mashiho's hand and then exited

Someone was at a certain corner gritting his teeth and clenching his fists

"I should have pushed him, Now my chances with Junkyu are low, I'm back to square one with Junkyu, I have to eliminate him as soon as possible" Daehwi said looking at the figures walk towards the door


Mashiho has missed work for a couple of days because him going back there would be awkward

He was going to the supermarket and then spotted a familiar figure

"Jihoon hyung!!!" He shouted and ran to him

Jihoon hugged him

"Mashi~ What are you doing here?" Jihoon asked

"To shop duhh" Mashiho said with sass and Jihoon flicked his forehead

"Silly kid, come on let's go in" Jihoon said and they went in

They finished shopping and then went to grabbed some coffee and decided to relax a little

"Ah Sukkie he's always calling me to ask me where I am, it's almost like he thinks I'm cheating" Jihoon said chuckling as he looked at the dialler ID

Mashiho knew that Hyunsuk thought he(Jihoon) was cheating on him with him(Mashiho) and it hurt him more to see he still thinks that

"Mhm" Mashiho said with a sad smile, Jihoon sensed Mashiho's mood change after what he said but he didn't want to ask and ruin the atmosphere

They discussed and discussed till Jihoon taught it was getting late

"It's getting late Mashi, I have to go" he said and stood up and so did Mashiho

"Don't forget tomorrow's plan for Hyunsuk's birthday" Jihoon said

"Mm Yes" Mashiho said he indeed forgot Hyunsuk's birthday

"Bye then" Jihoon said and ruffled Mashiho's hair


And with that both went separate ways

Jihoon got to his house and saw Hyunsuk on the couch

"Where were you?" That was the first thing he asked as soon as he saw Jihoon

"Woah possessive much, not even a welcome?" Jihoon asked but got no reply from Hyunsuk

He sighed and sat on the couch

"Fine I was with Mashi" Jihoon said and saw how Hyunsuk's face changed

"Again?" Hyunsuk asked and let out a scoff

Jihoon was panicking and was worried wondering if he found out about his plan

"What do you mean again, I haven't met in awhile" Jihoon lied

"Then what of the day you both went to **** cafe?" Hyunsuk asked

Shoot I have to formulate a lie Jihoon thought

"Wait I can explain–

"Explain what?! Explain the fact you're cheating on me?!"


"Don't act all naive, I caught you cheat on me with Mashiho! and you have the nerve to lie?!"

"Okay I'm gonna act like I just didn't hear that shit"

"Why?! Because I'm not wrong?! How could you Jihoon?! How could you cheat on me with my friend?!"

"Shut up Hyunsuk! Stop spitting nonsense out of your mouth!! How could I think of cheating on you?! Is this what you think of I and Mashi?!"

"Yes! You're both cheats! cheating on your partners! You're unbelievable Jihoon!"

"Are you seriously calling me a cheat?!! And your friend too?!! Hyunsuk how could you fucking say that when I'm busy preparing and arranging things for your birthday!!!"

Hyunsuk forgot the next day was his birthday

"I and Mashiho have been meeting to plan what to do on your birthday and here you are thinking we're having an affair? How stupid can you be Hyunsuk? You really are a bad partner and friend for think this! You have no trust for the both of us!! I'm really disappointed in you Hyunsuk" Jihoon said

He reached his hand into his pocket and brought out a car key and some papers

They were the documents of the new car he got for him and the documents of the branch he opened for his cloth brand in Germany

Hyunsuk was dumbstruck after reading the documents, Jihoon indeed wasn't lying


"Are you satisfied now?!! I still can't believe you're like this Suk, I'm really disappointed in you, Mashiho's really unlucky to have a friend who has zero trust in him!!"

With that Jihoon went upstairs

Hyunsuk sat back down at the couch, regret and guilt slowly creeping in

After awhile Jihoon got downstairs but instead empty, he was with his luggages

"What are you doing Jihoon?" Hyunsuk asked looking at the bags beside Jihoon

"I can't be with someone who thinks I'm a two-timer and doesn't have trust in me, I'm leaving Hyunsuk, we're on a break, Have a happy birthday"

With that Jihoon left their house

Hyunsuk sat on the floor and hugged his knees and started crying into his folded arms

"I let my jealousy get the best of me, now I've lost two important people in my life...sorry Mashi, Jihoon...I want you guys back" he said crying

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