Sneaky Sneakers (GxG) [oneshot]

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Saturday .

I got up with a smile on my face as I slept well last night and woke up in a lovely morning.

“Steph, wake up! How long are you going to slack in your room?.” Mom called from outside my room and knocked twice. As the doorknob was turned, I felt I skipped a beat.. like I’m in some horror movie. I breathe in a mountain of air and anxiously waited for the ghostly figure to appear. Motherly figure. Always remind me that.

O-Oh. Here she comes. I put up a very lovely morning smile on my face as to not anger her of whatever time is it when I got up.

“Steph?” she peered and let half of her body in. “It’s almost 10. Get up now! We’re going to the mall today.”

Oh? Perhaps a family bonding? Maybe she’ll buy me something goodie-goodie? Lovely. Lovely indeed. I smirked at the thought of it.

“Steph?” she eyed me to get going. “Come on! Make it fast!” she said and then left, shutting the door behind her with enough force that made me jolt.

Oh well. Better get ready then. I got up, took a shower and brushed.

I looked up my closet and searched for something good to wear. Hm. I pretty much don’t really care of what I wear though, not a fan of high fashion whatever. So, I just took out a white shirt with a pink butterfly printed on it and a black skinny jeans.

Shoes? Oh now this is the thing I mostly waste time with choosing. I got a thousand sneakers you know. I wish. Heh. Kidding. Just 24. Most of them are black each with unique cool prints. Others come in different colors. Mostly half aren’t my size though, I just bought them because they are just awesome looking like that. You know?

I took a glance at every pair. “Damn. They’re all too pretty in my eyes I really couldn’t choose.” I sighed as I ran my fingertips at each of them my beloved precious sneakers.

“Steph? One more minute and get down here already!” Mom shouted from downstairs.

“Yeah, almost done!” I replied back.

Better hurry up then girly. Don’t want another horror moment happening here.

I took a glance again at each pair with all seriousness trying to decide which I would date with today. But before I could even think about it, the door behind me opened in a sudden with a horror looking figure like some mad predator death glaring me. Oh! Mom.

Opps. I didn’t mean that. I grabbed the pair of sneakers closest to my reach and put it on as I walked towards the door smiling and giving her puppy looks. Mom rolled her eyes, I giggled at that. And she walked ahead of me.

“Good morning Stephie” my cute lil bro mumbled as he tried to speak with a full mouth.

I giggled at his cute face and he joined me in coughing out some food and we both laughed.

“Good morning cutie.” I kissed his forehead and sat across him and started stuffing down the food in my mouth too.

After breakfast, we hurriedly left and reached the mall in 20 minutes. Excited much? Nahh, the mall gets really crowded as the day pass. So, I understand mom’s shot of adrenaline rush.

As we went in, it was totally crowded. Guess she was right then. Mom said she’ll buy supplies and stuffs for Kobe as school would be starting by Monday.

Ohhh so that’s why we’re here. I thought it was something beneficial to me.

I followed them around, carrying the bags of the items bought. It was tiring and so boring, seriously. It took so much time that it’s almost lunch and they aren’t finished yet.

Sneaky Sneakers (GxG) [oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now