10 Papilio rex

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Jake POV:

 "We need to talk." I told Louis. He stiffened up as if I just put a gun to his head. "Um okay, wanna go to my room." He asked me nervously. He was silent the entire walk from the lobby to his room. "Please don't tell me that you want to break up already." He said as he sat down on his bed. "Actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about." I said vaguely. "Fuck" He cursed quietly. "No, not that I want to break up with you but I want to break up with Clarke." I clarified. "Oh," He said simply. "I know that we agreed to wait until we're official but I feel like it's not fair to any of us if our fake relationship continues." I explained to him. "Clarke would be being lied to, you would have to see us acting all couply whenever we are around each other, and it's also not fair to me because I will have to pretend to like someone else when the person I like is right here." I told him as I grabbed his hand.

 "Alright, I'm good with that." He told me. We kind of had a moment there which lead to us making out for about half an hour on his bed. "Please stay." Louis begged me for the thousandth time. "Babe I need to leave unless you don't want me to tell Keith and Kayleen that I'm quitting this fake relationship with Clarke." I pressured. "Ugh fine. The pet name is cute by the way." He said casually. "That's good, it came out before I could stop it but I might make it a habit now." I told him. "I think you should." He agreed with a kiss goodbye. "You know what, I think I will. Bye babe." I farewelled. I texted Clarke and asked her to meet me at a Starbucks nearby so that we could talk. When I got there I saw her sitting at a table with both our coffees already. "Thanks," I said as I sat across from her. 

 "So why do you want to end our fake relationship?" She asked as she sipped on her frozen coffee. "How'd you know that?" I questioned her. "What else would you call me to talk about?" She asked. "True" I stated plainly. "So?" She urged me to answer her first question. "I'm dating this guy and I just felt like it was unfair to all of us if we stayed in this relationship." I explained to her. "That makes sense. Come on, Kayleen and Keith should be back at the hotel since their meeting ended about ten minutes ago, so we can tell them now." She told me as she stood up and grabbed both our coffees. When we finally found Keith and Kayleen in the main garden, outback we told them that we needed to talk.

 "What's this about?" Kayleen questioned us. "We wanna end our fake relationship." Clarke answered before I had the chance to. "That's fine but can I ask why?" Keith said. "I'm sorta dating this guy but were not official yet and I just felt like our relationship wouldn't ever be able to go forward if I was still in this fake one with Clarke." I explained to them. "I respect that." Kayleen said simply. "Whos the guy?" Keith interrogated. "I can't say yet. He's in the closet plus we don't really want to tell anyone until we know that this is really going to last, which I think it will but I think that he's still a bit skeptical about it." I expressed. "Okay, that's cool." He told me. "I'm gonna head out we are supposed to meet up in five minutes so I'm gonna be late if I don't leave now." I said. "He's here?" Clarke asked. "Yeah, he's been at every place we've gone." I said truthfully. 

"Oh god, you're hooking up with a roadie." Keith sighed as he put his head in his hands. God, these people are oblivious. "Maybe," I said plainly as I walked away. Two things were wrong with his statement though. First of all, we are not even hooking up and second of all he is not a roadie but if I said that he's not a roadie the only other options would be one of our bodyguards, Keith's driver, or one of the boys in the band and I was not giving him that big of a hint. I finally got back to Louis's room but I looked around to make sure that no one was watching me go in there. Once I was 100% sure that no one saw me I walked inside. Louis was asleep in bed so I just crawled in bed with him. "Hey, babe." He greeted. I was about to respond when I saw that he had a furry yellow and orange cat curled up beside him. "Where the hell did you get a cat?" I exasperated. 

 "I found it in a shoebox outside and I just couldn't help myself. How can people be so cruel to abandon a helpless little animal outside with no food or water?" He asked me with his adorable puppy eyes. I couldn't help but lean down and kiss him. "We can take a nap then well take it to an animal shelter." I offered. "That's fine." He said as he laid back down and softly pet the cat. I took out my phone and changed my relationship status to single on all my social media accounts and wrote a short explanation on my Instagram story that basically said that Clarke and I decided that we are just better as friends so we mutually broke up but still have tons of love for each other. I looked at Clarke's page and saw that she did the same thing as me but in different words. I plugged my phone into Louis's charger since he wasn't using it, put my arm around him, and fell asleep.

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