15 Citheronia sepulcralis (Pine devil)

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Jake POV:

 "They're gonna hate me." Louis exclaimed. "They're not gonna hate you, they already love you too much to hate you." Hunter assured. "No, they love Jake, they're all gonna hate me." Louis said. "No they won't it will be easy." Hunter stated even though I don't think that he believed it either. "Fine, then you do it." Louis said. "Hell Nah man, that shits scary man, I don't know how Jake does it every concert." Hunter remarked. I was getting dressed in my dressing room (I was changing into a half shirt and jeans cuz why not?)so I did not chime in on the conversation but they were right in front of my room (probably waiting for me to get out) so I could hear their entire conversation. I should probably explain what there talking about.

 I'm the only one in the band that has actually sung in our songs. Hunter and Louis are both great singers and sing all the time, just not on any of our songs. The new song that Louis and I wrote was about both of us so we ran it by Kieth and he said that Louis should sing on it. At first, Louis was scared but then I convinced him to do it. We already recorded the song with both of our vocals on it and it sounded great. We are going to perform it on stage tonight and that will be the first time that anyone hears it since we haven't realized it yet. Louis was fine the whole first half of the concert but now that we're at intermission he's freaking out. Once I finally finished getting dressed I opened the door and pulled Louis in, waving Hunter off.

 I took one look at Louis and knew that he was about to vomit or faint or something. "Hun, it'll be fine." I reassured as I pulled him into a hug. "How do you know?" He asked into my shoulder. "Because I do it almost every night and nothing truly bad has happened yet." I explained to him. " If you truly don't want to do this then that's fine and we can go tell Kieth now." I told him truthfully as I pushed a piece of his hair out of his face and behind his ear. "No I want to, it's just scary." He stated quietly. "I know but I'll be right there the whole time and if decide that it's too scary just give me the signal and I'll sing your part for you." I offerd. "No that's not necessary. I want to do it and I will be scared but you have to get over your fears eventually right?" He mumbled.

 He was looking down at the floor so I softly grabbed his face and turned his head up so that he was looking at me. I kissed him softly but I didn't do anything more than that since we had to go on stage in about three minutes. "Did you change out your guitar?" I questioned him. He had many different guitars but he has to use one kind in the first half of the concert and another in the second half so that it goes with the songs that were doing. I have a guitar, a keyboard, and a microphone in front of me at all times on stage. I have to use different instruments, depending on which songs were doing so it's easier to just always have them with me instead of having to take them on and off stage. "Yes, I do. Wanna see? I just got this one." Louis beamed, that spark that I've come to love back in his eyes.

 "Always but we have to make it quick since we're going on stage in two minutes." I declared. "I sort of have this new obsession where everything I buy is rainbow. So now I have a rainbow guitar strap, rainbow stickers, and a rainbow guitar pick. I really don't care what people think when it comes to that part of my life so I will use all of it and they can say what they want." Louis claimed. "That's great babe." I said, making sure that he knew how proud of him I was for not caring what others think. "By the way, love the crop top. You look pretty all the time but you look especially pretty now." He complimented and gave a quick kiss, just as Sarun walked in.

 "Come on boys, your on in one minute." She called as she gently grabbed our wrists and started pulling us towards the stage. "Do you have your new songs ready to go?" She asked us, still maneuvering us around until we got to the stage where Hunter was already waiting. "Yup all ready to go." I told her. She winked at me then left. She winked because I sort of had a surprise that only me, her, and Kieth knew about. I wrote a song called 'Romeo' and Louis and Hunter know how to do their parts of the song but they don't know what the songs about, the lyrics, or the title. I just hope that Louis doesn't cry when I explain what the song is about on stage because he cries very easily.

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