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Vansh dragged Aryan by his collar out of the room, which he had been staying in.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" He glared at his irritating younger brother

"What? I thought of getting married by my girlfriend broke up with me because she was scared of you...I don't know how bhabhi's handling you...." Arayan pushed him and pressed his collar with his hands

"I bribed her..." Vansh cried and continued

"She doesn't love you..."

"I didn't either..." Aryan chuckled

"She was hot...that's why I agreed to marry her...a beautiful French woman..." the younger brother muttered dreamily

"Wake up you fool! Till when will you be irresponsible like this?" 

"What? I don't wanna perform Ram Leela like you....I go for Raas only option..." 

Vansh rolled his eyes at him

"We're going back home tonight....and this is my order..."

Aryan flinched at his elder brother's intimidating tone. He had mustered some courage to talk to him, but the other side of his brother, was really very scary.

"O...okay....bhai..." he gulped


"Aww! I thought we will stay here for sometime..." Riddhima pouted looking at the Eiffel tower from the windows

"Sweetheart, Dadi would be waiting for us back home..."

His wife suddenly jumped out of bed

"Okay fine...I'll pack the bags..."


Vansh was sitting grumpily inside the plane. Only his brother, Aryan could understand the reason behind his not-so-good mood. It was because of him. He seemed like a third person inside the 'VR' plane. Aryan wished he had not broken up with his girlfriend, till her came back to India. Now his brother was constantly glaring at him for his inability to talk openly with his wife. It was not the first time he got death glares for his brother

"What? Haven't you ever seen me ? Stare at someone least you'll feel happy by imagining things..." Aryan snapped at Vansh 

Riddhima looked puzzled at Aryan's sudden outburst. 

"What happened?" she constantly tried to read both the faces of the cousins, but failed miserably

"Nothing Riddhima..." Vansh cried and smirked at her

"I know...I don't give bad ideas..." Aryan muttered and closed his eyes resting on his back


"Home sweet home..." Riddhima chirped as he entered into the VR mansion

Things were different now. Her perspective on Vansh had changed completely. She widely smiled at him like a love-struck teenager. 

"It's so weird...I have fallen in love with the same guy twice...and it feels like the first time..." she chuckled waving her pallu in the air. 

"I don't mind falling for him again and again..." she suddenly bumped onto him and stepped back biting her lips

"What?" he asked ruffling his wet hair, which made her freeze for a second

She stood still, eagerly noticing his features

"Checking out on me, huh? he asked as her moved towards her

She nodded a yes with a wide dreamy smile on her face and widened her eyes as he placed his wet hands on her bare hip

"I love Indian..." he cried huskily

"Vansh...Vansh...!" Was all she could utter as she closed her eyes and felt his breath fanning over her face

Her heartbeats seemed to freeze when she felt his lips touching hers , gently. She opened her eyes as he stepped back

"Let's wait....till your birthday...I promise...I'm gonna make it super special...for both of us..." Vansh winked and walked out of the room

Riddhima blushed heavily and ran into the bathroom, giggling.

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