Sand And Ice: RED Team X IceWing Reader

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Y/N POV's so hot! I hope this assassination mission is successful. My head spoke as I flew over the scorching desert. I had been flying for a few hours without rest nor water. I checked my papers in my rabbit Hyde satchel. 

Name: Opal

Gender: Female

Tribe: Sandwing

Reason For Assassination: Traitor To Sandwing Tribe. Stole From The Royal Hatchery And Treasury. 

A dragon's head was neatly drawn onto some old, stained paper (btw, this is not my artwork

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A dragon's head was neatly drawn onto some old, stained paper (btw, this is not my artwork. This belongs to biohazardia. I merely cropped it. Credit to her!)

She looks like any ol' Sandwing. What's the difference? I questioned myself.  Then I read down a little bit more.

Wears opal jewellery and is scared with permanent ice breath wounds across her lower tail. Also has 3 claws on left talon.

Well, that makes sense.

Y/N's gray wings were starting to burn and ache as the sun started to attack her body. Her white scales felt like they were burning forever. The sun felt like it was now her master. I will NOT die today! At least not in the desert!  A thought screeched. But suddenly, something caught her eye. "A Scavanger den!?" I said surprisingly. I flew into a hover then I landed onto the burning floor. I needed a rest from the heat. I saw an oasis nearby, so I started to walk towards the place.

Meanwhile At The Fortress.....

"What the bloody hell is that?!" Sniper exclaimed. He started to panic. "alright, I'm foine. As long as that thing stays OUTSIDE and IM INSIDE." He said to him self. He quickly climbed out of the tower and ran across the sand quietly. He burst into the hallways and ran to the living room. "everyone! Listen! I saw something out their and it's n-" "sniper? Ya probably stayed in tha heat too long. Maybe it's a mirage?" Engineer interjected. "mate. It's not a bloody mirage. It's real. I'll show ya!" Sniper said as he walked out of the building and outside of the base then pointed to the beast. "My god sniper. vere was it?" Spy said. "It was here. I have proof." Sniper said as they walked to the footprint the animal had left behind. "Mien gott. You vere not kidding. I must've been massive." Medic said. The others looked at the footprints. "If y'all are looking for tha thing, it's over there." Engineer pointed. The other were awe-stricken. "If I have red correctly, that there be an icewing." Engineer spoke. The others looked at him. "Icewing?" They all said simultaneously. "It's a dragon from tha series wings of fire." The others let out mumbles. "I say ve capture it." Spy said. The others nodded and grabbed their weapons from inside. 


When I arrived at the oasis, I immediately dived into the cooling water. I filled my ice satchel. Many of them were carved from ice then enchanted by an animus to never melt and never  freeze what was inside. My wings had never felt such relief as the water set around her wings. After what felt like 2 minutes that was actually 30 minutes she got out of the water, feeling refreshed and cool. I took off and checked the compass that was on my wrist once I was in the air and steady. Great. I'm on track. Need to stay on the south east route. I thought. 


I felt my wings stop working as something forcefully wrapped around them. I was falling fast. I thumped to the ground and I swore I heard a bone crack. "AHHHHH!" I roared to the sky.  "What in the 3 moons did this?!" I said. I looked at my wing and it looked dislocated and possibly broken. I looked again to see a net. How did this happen? Was this an ambush? But dragons don't use nets in ambushes. This is strange. I looked around. "WHOS THERE?! COME OUT NOW!!". But alas, there was no response. "IM WARNING YOU." I tried again. I tried to get up but I couldn't, so then I tried ripping the net off with my free talon with my serrated claws attached, again, I failed. I layer there for minutes that turned into a few hours. My scales were baking in the sun. Then, out of nowhere, a scavenger appeared, not one, but 9. They walked up to me and I started to get a little bit worried. Most icewings liked scavengers but I on the other hand, was slightly scared of them. Ever since winter came home with one that he named bandit, I was a little bit calmer around them. One had glasses and was that a clipboard he was holding?. It started to touch my scales so I growled making him jump and back away. Suddenly, I looked around to the net to see the one with the glasses ordering another one to do something. Maybe scavengers are smarter than you think. I guess winter WAS right. I might tell him about this IF I can get out. I then saw another scavenger grab out what looked to be a large knife. I tried to back away but I couldn't. The scavenger on the net was cutting it off. I immediately was shocked and started breathing hard.

Team POV

"What are Ye gonna do with tha thing after?" Demo said. "I think it vill be to big for mien lab." Medic said. "Medic!  It's breathin' is getting faster!" Sniper yelled while he worked on cutting the net off. Medic rushed to the dragon's head in attempt to calm it down, but it only got harder and faster. It inhaled then lifted its head and let out a breath of ice. It left ice shards everywhere. "Guys! Icewings don't have fire! They have ice breath. It kills ya! Watch out!" Engineer warned. Medic gave him a good-to-know glare. After about a few minutes, they got the net off. 


I was surprised that they got the net off. But honestly, why would they?. They placed a muzzle on me and I hated it. They walked me to the entrance of the 'den' and allowed me through. They then walked me to large room with bloodstained walls. I sat down on the floor and let out a sigh. The one with glasses suddenly placed his hand on my snout and started gibbering. Is it trying to contact me?

Team POV

Medic placed his gloved hand onto the icewing's snout. It emanated a cold feeling like a glacier. "Hmmm interesting..." he noted this down on his clipboard. "Hey guys. Acordin' to tha books, she probably can't understand us. We speak gibberish to them. So we either need to make a translator or speak her language. I know a few words in dragon" engineer explained. "Wait. How does baby man know it ees female?" Heavy asked. "Well, ya can't really tell, but female icewings have sharper and longer tail spines. They're usually a meter long on a full grown female and shorter on a male" he explained again. The others gave him another good-to-know glare. "Vell Zhen, engineer. Can you speak to it?" Medic asked. "Sure thing" he replied. 


Another scavenger walked up to me. "Who you?" He asked. Wait. Scavengers can speak DRAGON?! Ok here we go. "My name is Y/N. What's your name scavenger?" I replied. "My name is dell" he said. He turned to the others and spoke his language to them and then turned back to me. "Can you speak scavenger?" He asked. "Yes. Very little. Know small language." I replied to all of them. "Can you understand us in scavenger?" He again asked. "Yes a little bit." I replied in dragon. Then, the one with glasses spoke in scavenger. "How old are you? Vhy are you here?" He asked. "Age 14. I here for mission." I replied in the scavenger's language. The conversation continued for a while. "I can treat your injuries. Just let me look at zhem" medic said. "They bad." Y/N replied. "It's ok Y/N. He won't hurt ya. He just wants to help ya." Dell said. I nodded in response and showed him the worst of my wounds. I lifted my wing to reveal a massive, infected wound on my side, going up to my wing. "Mein gott..."

To be continued. There WILL be a part 2 ok.

1417 Words.

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