(Wings) O.C! Injured! FireStage X Nightmare Medic

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This events took place 200 years before darkstalker. This is the reason why skywing Dragonets born with unusual abilities are killed.

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Blood was everywhere.

Pieces of scales and pools of blood surrounded him.

"Come out firestage. If you do, I promise. I'll make it quick."

I wanted to run but my muscles were petrified. My red and black wings twitched and my frill slowly turned into a bright but pale green. Fly! Run! Camoflage!  Do something!! I don't want to die today! 

"Hmm....I could send a spear to you but.... No. That won't do. Maybe a dagger? I can enchant you to disembowel yourself- no. I want to watch you plead for mercy as I kill you."the dragon said. Why is he acting like this? S-swallow should know better!

lots of thoughts rushed in. I was going to die here. This was it. Until,..........

Until I saw an exit.

I looked at the hole in the roof amd it was safely hidden and a good escape route. I just had to stall. "S-swallow. I know your an animus. But, why are you doing this? You've killed so many innocent dragons that did NOTHING to you." Please don't just kill me. Please please please. "Well, firestage, the queen has her rights, but no rights to keep me as her PET. I was sick of her. I had to kill her. The rest of them? I killed just for fun." Swallow said. That's NO REASON!!  "Please.....d-dont kill me. You'll be sorry." I stammered. "Ha! Sorry of what?!" He laughed. "O-of the curse." This lie will do the trick. "T-the curse?". I slowly picked up a decent sized rock and held it, ready to escape. "Yeah. The curse. If you kill me, a curse will be upon you. A curse that will make you suffer. Suffer until you die." I aimed the rock and threw it at his head. A pained and pissed off groan was heard. I launched and darted towards the hole and escaped. I camouflaged and flew out of the sky kingdom.

Timeskip bc I suck

I don't know how far I've flown. But I know that I was not on the continent anymore. I looked below to only see an endless depth of water. My wings were slowly getting weak and my camoflage has worn off. I was loosing height and my eyes started to blur. I swear I was free falling almost and got really close to the ground. I couldn't see where I was going. I felt leaves touch my wingtips and vines tangled my neck. 


I tumbled down out of the sky and crashed onto the ground.

"fourth moons and fireballs." I cursed. 

Shit. My wing.

I looked over to my left wing to see it misshaped. The top part looked like it was warped. I looked around in panic. "Oh no...oh no no no...a-a skywing on the ground is dead. Oh no....HELP!!!! HELP!!" Like yelling gonna help me.

I continued to cry out for help but none came. Only silence and pain filled the area.

 More timeskip

I cried for what felt like hours. My throat was parched and I had no food and couldn't hunt. I hadn't felt like this in a long time. His wings were aching and his neck was tangled in many vines. Sudenly, talon steps broke the silence. Someone's coming. He tried to breath fore as a warning but he couldn't. The talon steps were getting closer and closer, but, they weren't dragon steps. It was something much smaller. He took a sniff in the air and immediately knew what it was. Scavenger. He tried to tried to escape after learning what's they could do with there pointy sticks. But, he was also fascinated. The scavenger was wearing what looked like a helmet with spikes, an off-white coat and red thing they call 'gloves' . He knew what to do because he took extra studying time to learn the scavenger language. It walked towards him and stopped and stood in place. God I wish I was a mind reader.  He looked at me and my injured wing. As he did, he gibberish something like "what happend? Why are you here".   "Hello scavenger. I not from here. Don't kill me. Or you'll pay price." I said in his language. He looked at me in terror and wonder. "J-jou can speak human? Wow. I'm impressed." He said. "Who you? Why you here?" I asked. "Well, I was coming here to get some recorders zhen ich heard jour roar and came here. And, I'm nightmare medic." "Right." "Do jou...do jou need help?" "Yep."

He petted me between the horns and looked at my wing. "Hmm. Zhis looks really bad. Should I take you back to Mein house?" "I-I...sure."

1 year later.

"Woo hooo!!! I love this!! Don't you medic?"

"Ja! Zhis is fun!"

"I got dinner at home! Caught it today!"


The end?

A/n. I'm sorry guys. I couldn't think of anything. My apologies


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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