Chapter 4

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Sir Pentious blushed at your comment, and faked a cough.
"Well, time for bed!."
Sir Pentious said obviously feeling uncomfortable, you furrowed your eyebrows.
"But it's only 8:00?."
You said feeling confused, but Sir Pentious was already slithering his was towards his bedroom....

You frowned wishing you could have talked to him a bit more, an egg assisted you to your bedroom, as you lay down you looked at your clock and it read 2AM. You sunk your head deep into your pillow and sighed with frustration, yelling.
"Ugh!. I hate this!."

You decided to take the chance assuming that everyone was asleep, you wondered around the house finding many wonderful things, you got to take a long look at all of Sir Pentious's inventions, you ate a snack from the kitchen, found his study which contained multiple books which of course you stole a few and set them in your bedroom.

The only room your hadn't come across yet was....his bedroom....silently pushing the door open, it make a creaking sound...
The room would've been pitch dark if it hadn't of been for a lamp he had set on his nightstand, you slowly crept into his room, getting a good glimps at his face...he still smelt really good.

You sat down on the side of his bed, deciding you obviously weren't going to sleep on your own...and you were so took some of the cover and laid next to Sir Pentious, his arms instinctively wrapped around you, making you smile.
Burying your head in his chest you could finally fall into a nice and blissful sleep.

You woke up to a very angry and conflicted Sir Pentious, poking your nose with a claw you woke up.
*Uh Oh.*
You thought.

"What are you doing in my bed?. And cuddled up to me?."
You gave a nervous smile.
"Well technically you cuddled me....hehe...."
Pentious did not look amused....
"I couldn't sleep...."
Sir Pentious gave a glare.
"So you thought sneaking into my bedroom would help?."

You felt your face heat up, laying against him once more...
" made me sleep better....I just iguess?."
Sir Pentious looked surprised.
"Me?. Secure?....."

He looked like he was in deep thought, his arms still wrapped around you.
You took the time to really examine his face, he darted his eyes over to you in a quick glance and let go of your body, blushing.

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