Chapter 17

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You and Sir Pentious were doing great as a couple, and doing everything in private too.

Not that Sir Pentious or you were embarrassed by your new couple label but because it was more peaceful for the two of you.
But not for long, as you and Sir Pentious were cuddling on the couch you flipped the tv on and what was the first thing you see?.

Everybody making fun of Sir Pentious and laughing.
Millions of images of you and Sir Pentious were being shown across to everyone, most of the people laughing you knew for a fact weren't in relationships because the ones who were were not laughing at this...not one bit....a couple of imps looked up at the main camera and they were actually frowning and so were you.....

Looking over to Sir Pentious he wasn't cuddling with you anymore...he looked mad?....
Was he mad at himself?.
Or just angry that nobody would take him seriously?. Not that anybody took him to seriously to begin with.....

"Sir Pentious are you okay?...."
Pentious didn't answer....instead he just slithered up to his room....not saying a word for matter how hard you tried he just wouldn't open that door.

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