Bye Bye Bye

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Seven Years Ago...

You and Patrick had just started dating a year ago. Everything's going great. You love him, he loves you, but then it happens.

Music and his band become the only thing he talks about, cares about. One hit album and he already sees the band's successful future. He knows it's hard for you, with him always being away, but he expects that you'll stay committed to him. But it's difficult for you when he's not committed to you.

So one day you are in your bedroom, lying on your bed with your flip phone in your hands. Your stepsister is across the room on her bed, rocking out to 'N Sync's "Bye Bye Bye" (though the song was three years old and you'd already gone through the 'N Sync phase - you can't wait for the day when she grows out of it) with her headphones and Nextar MP3 player. You're doing your best to ignore her.

You are sending out text messages with your phone like crazy, asking if anyone wanted to hang out (which is peculiar for you because you usually never want to hang out with anyone). You know Patrick is busy today with band so you don't text him or the guys. But the first response is from Pete. You must've accidentally sent the message to him.

He says: Sure. Swing by my house and we can make plans from there.

You cock your eyebrow in suspicion before replying: Aren't you and the guys working today?

He responds almost instantly: I wasn't feeling up to it so I told them I was sick (I'm not, don't worry).

Followed by another text: Promise me you won't tell Patrick, he'll flip a shit if he finds out I flaked out on him and the guys.

You smirk: I promise ;D

*Ding*: Sweet. Thanks. See you soon?

You sit up: See you soon

You swing your legs over the side of your bed and stand up, walking over to the door when your stepsister asks annoyingly, "Where are you going?"

"Out," You retort, grasping the doorknob.

"Out where?" She takes her headphones off and drapes them around her neck, getting off of the bed and walking over to you, "Can I come with?"


"Why not?"

"Because I'm going to see a guy."

"Eww! A guy! Does he have cooties?"

You grin at her innocence and reply sarcastically, but convincingly, "Oh yeah. He's got the worst case of cooties around town."

"And you're going to see him!?!" She makes a sound of disgust, "Gross!"

You laugh and walk out of your bedroom, grabbing the keys from the hook in the kitchen and running out the front door, hopping into the '98 Subaru Outback your stepdad got you for passing your driver's test on the first try and driving to Pete's place that you'd been to a few times before with Patrick.


You walk up the stairs to the apartment and knock on the dark red door. You take a step back and patiently wait for Pete to answer the door. The door clicks open, restricted by the chain lock, and you see Pete's face. He smirks and removes the chain lock, opening the door fully so you can walk in.

"Hey, (Y/N)," He greets.

"Hey sickie," You retort, smiling. He rolls his eyes and closes the door behind you.

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