Scary Love (Niall Horan)

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So I'm starting this fanfic because I want to lol hope you guys like it!


Ella's POV:

I listened to the low howl of the wind as I strolled down the vacant London streets. My iPhone was blasting The Boy Who Could Fly by Pierce The Veil, and I sang along. I often did this, it helped me think. I looked around at the deserted streets and suddenly an eerie feeling washed over me like I was being watched or followed. I took a glance behind me and in front of me and everywhere in-between, but no one was there. Only me and my music. The feeling never left me until I was at home. I threw the my phone on my bed and closed my curtains. I stripped off my coat then all of my clothes, turning the shower on. I stepped in feeling the warm rush of water flow down my back, on my shoulders, and in my hair washing all the stress of the day away. After my shower I brushed my teeth and got dressed getting ready to get cozy and read. Once I was safely in my bed with my book and cup of tea I started to read. After about an hour of reading my eyes started feeling heavy threatening to close for good any second. I set my book on my nightstand turning off my light drifting to sleep. I awoke to a knock on my door. I looked at the time and it read 12:23. Who was at my door at this time of night? I stepped out of my bed walking towards the door. I looked through the peeping hole to see who was there and saw a dark shadow. I decided to open it anyways. When I reached for the handle, but it didn't feel like I was doing it or even making the decision to, like I wasn't in control of myself. I opened the door coming face to face - well not exactly face to face but face to chest - with a tall blonde boy. His eyes were shining even in the dark night, almost glowing? He was wearing jeans with a black t-shirt and black vans, "Uh hi," he said in a very attractive Irish accent, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, "Hello, may I help you?" I asked politely "Uh well I was wondering if you knew where the nearest store was, I ran out of liquor." he answered chuckling a bit, "Well I know where the store is, but I'm not letting you drive, I can smell alcohol on your breath." I laughed a little, "Ok, well will you drive me?" he said looking a bit more confident then he did a few seconds ago, "Sure, come in, I need to get clothes on." I said stepping aside for him to come in and he did. I closed the door walking down the hall to my bedroom. I changed into jeans, a cami, and I put a jacket on. I walked back down the hall towards the mystery boy, and it dawned on me I didn't even know his name. So why would I let him in my house? When I did, it didn't even feel like me, like when I was opening the door. I got to the end of the hall to see the boy standing there looking down at his phone, "So, what's your name?" I said slipping on my UGGs. He looked up and smiled, "Niall, and you?" "Ella. Where's your keys?" I asked. He pulled them out of his pocket handing them to me. I took them opening the door again walking out with him following close behind. When we got down to the parking garage I gave him a questioning look saying, "Which one is it?" he pointed to a cherry red Mustang in the corner of the lot and my jaw almost dropped, "That's your car?" I asked slightly stunned. He nodded walking over to it. After a few seconds I followed. When I got in the car I started it up driving to the store. We walked into to the store going straight for the liquor. I looked up from the bottles of vodka and saw my ex boyfriend walking towards us. I stiffened a little and Niall must have notices cause he leaned in closer and said "Are you ok?" when my eyes shot from my ex back to Niall he nodded saying "I'll help." he put his arm around my waist bringing me closer that before. I dont know what the feeling was but I felt I've never even met him I don't know how I feel safe I just did. It was a weird feeling, but I liked it "Hey baby!" I heard my ex yell from behind me. Me and Niall slowly turned to face him "What do you want, Derek?" I asked annoyed "You back, I was stupid to cheat on you I'm so sorry." he pleaded "No, you took advantage of me and I will never forgive you for that." I said "Um hi, I'm Niall. Her boyfriend." he said I smiled a little as he glared at Derek. He totally ignored Niall saying, "Come on girl, you know you want me back." he reached out to grab my arm but Niall pulled me behind him lowering his voice and then said, "Don't take one more step closer to her, do you hear me? Or I swear I will rip out your jugular and eat it for sustenance" I was almost scared at how threatening that sounded, but I liked it. Derek rolled his eyes and walked out of the aisle leaving Niall and I alone, "Thank you so much. You don't know how much that means to me, I could kiss you right now." he smirked and said, "Then do it." winking at me making me blush and then rolling my eyes,"Get your stuff and let's go. I need my sleep." I said "Ok, ok." he replied with after a few seconds my phone started ringing blasting Bulls in the Bronx. Niall looked at me raised an eyebrow and then looked back at the beer. "Hello?" I said "Oh thank God Ella you answered! Please come pick me up, this guy he, he." it was my best friend in the whole universe, Cheyenne, when she didn't finish I said "He what Cheyenne?!?" waiting for an answer anxiously I started to tap my foot. A few moments later the silence was broken by her sobbing, her words were jumbled, but I could understand her,"He raped you?" my voice cracked as I said raped. Just the thought of her screaming, but being helpless, crying, waiting for someone to save her brought me to tears. "Where are you sweetie?" I said over her cries. "I'm at the club on 5th Ave." she replied calming down, "Ok I'll be there shortly." I faintly heard her say goodbye before I hung up. I looked at Niall who was staring at me with a concerned face,"Niall I have to go get her." I pleaded. He nodded taking my hand in his intertwining our fingers, running out of the door to the car. I drove quickly to the club, parking the car across the street. I ran to the other side of the street looking for Cheyenne. I looked to my right and saw her, she looked pathetic. Her hair was a mess all over her face, her makeup was running down her face, and her dress was ripped with pieces missing all over. I walked up to her, tears welling up in my eyes, and hugged her. We walked back to the car in silence. She got in the backseat while I climbed into the drivers seat "Who's car is this?" she asked before I could reply Niall answered "Mine." she looked startled and then she look plain scared "It's ok Chey, he's nice." I reassured her, she relaxed a little, probably because I used her nickname "This is Niall, he lives in my apartment block." I looked in the rearview mirror to see her eyeing him "He isn't going to rape you, babe." I looked at Niall and he had a small smirk on his lips. I smiled too. This boy is pretty cute I thought. He has this thing about him where you just wanna touch him. He's mysterious. He's cute. He's nice. He's luring. It's almost scary how much I want to kiss him right now, but I'm not scared and that's the scary part. Does that make sense? No, it doesn't. Ugh whatever. I pulled into the parking garage and we got Cheyenne into my bed. I stepped outside with Niall closing the door to my apartment "Sorry we didn't get your liquor, I feel really bad." I looked into his beautiful, blue eyes and couldn't look away "It's ok, sorry about your friend that really sucks." he said, actually sounding genuine "It's ok, it's not your fault." "You know, you owe me some beer, so why don't we go to the pub sometime and you can buy me one." he said smiling showing off perfectly straight teeth covered in inviable braces. "I promise I will. Tomorrow?" "Sure." I held out my pinky, like a child. Niall chuckled a little then wrapped his pinky around mine. I smiled just like him stuffing my hands in my front pockets. We stood like there just looking into each others eyes. All of sudden Niall grabbed the sides of my face and crashed his lips to mine. I kissed back putting my hands around his neck closing the space between us. His lips were warm and soft against mine. His body was pressed against mine and he was giving off a lot of heat. His mouth tasted like Guinness and something else I couldn't put my finger on. He backed me up against the door bringing his hands down to my hips, grinding his crotch against mine. We pulled away out of breath "Um so tomorrow, right?" I said and he nodded saying "Yeah." he backed away then turned going into the apartment across from mine. I stood there for a minute catching my breath and thinking about that taste in his mouth, it tasted like....blood?

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