001: the epitome of a hero

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It wasn't long before Penelope realize the weight that was burdening her shoulder, but not the whole of it when she was 8. She have the slight idea of the responsibility left to her by her drunken father and non-existent mother. Penelope was the only person capable and responsible enough in the Nakamura family to take care of the young Ethan simply because their parents couldn't bother to.  Before that was her grandparents, who have taken the siblings into their custody, but that was before the car crash. And so at the vulnerable age of 8, penelope learnt to be a devoted sister. She treasured Ethan, to her he was the only family she have, her joy and priority. Ethan brought light to her world, and give her a sense of home. His childlike innocent was something Penelope vowed to protect until he was ready to face the monsters from their life. 

When the monster attacks starts, a 10 years old Penelope and 7 years old Ethan fled to camp. It was the first time that Penelope have seen something so beautiful, so magical. Naturally, camp became a home to her and Ethan, it was their second extraordinary life, one far away from the ugly one with their father, thus came the young girl's admiration of the greek myths, of the glorious gods and godesses. The girl quickly excels in classes with her photographic memory that must have been a trait of her godly mother, whoever she is. It was quite unusual really, as she grows up she starts discovering certain traits in Cerebokinesis- the manipulation of the mind, though it was only the memory aspect. Penelope's strange abilities to manipulate the memory of people around her grows stronger as she age, it was clear that she inherited it from her godly DNA. Strange enough, Ethan couldn't do the same thing she could, instead his abilities are hugely different. Penny would often jokes that he is the walking-karma-machine as his abilities seems to lean more in tychokinesis- the manipulation of luck. 

From her time at camp, she have become a relatively approachable and likeable unclaimed kid. Most of the campers like her, or at least don't mind making aquaintances with her. But that's as far as it goes, despite her bubbly and kind portrayal, Penelope keeps her circle small. It was just Pollux and Castor - the Dionysus's twins; Ethan- obviously; Daphne Florens- the mean aphrodite kid; Ophelia Tavena- the Ares bully and Theodore Kaneki- the fellow unclaimed japanese. The friend group have a very visible charasteristic, all of them are year-rounders and have a weird sarcastic sense of humour. To be very blunt, they are a bunch of confident, mean and edgy kids (ew). Especially the Daphne and Ophelia who might as well be siblings, they both find fun in torturing new comers, and is probably the reason why Ethan was so 'emo' and mean. Penelope didn't really mind the influence though, it didn't seems like Daphne and Ophelia was forcing Ethan to do something or make him uncomfortable. She knows that at one point Ethan will probably knows everything he needs to know, and she prefered them to teached him those stuff. 

Once you get to know all of them, they are pretty reliable friend according to Penny. They were the sort of friend that you would only get to meet once in a life time, the sort that sticks with you through thick and thin, the ones who would always be there amidst the awkwardness of a crying fit. Due to their aloofness, somes would underestimate their abilities combat-wise, but Penelope have to admit that they are ones you would need in fights (and wouldn't want to make enemy of), she would even begrudgingly acknowledged that Theodore could beat her in a fight with mediocre effort. 

Penny couldn't have been more unbothered by the fact that she wasn't claimed after 3 years at camp, her idolization of the gods don't allowed her to be angry of them. Her mom must have been so busy, right? So busy that she couldn't have taken a minute away from her eternity to claim Penelope and Ethan. But, who needs to know your real parents when you have Chiron? The gentle and wise centaur didn't take long to become a father figure in Penelope's life, the one she was so desperate for. That was the point when Penelope decided she would be a great hero like Achilles, she would make Chiron proud. She didn't fully understand the burden of being a demigod, a hero. Some would say she was the epitome of a hero: her selflessness and loyalties to her loved ones; fierce determination and unwavering beliefs ; fueled by the desire to protect. She was so reliable, so brave, so loyal that it led to her demise.

It was rare to see someone who have completed so many quests, successful ones at that, especially at the age of 13 and also still unclaimed. Penelope, fondly known as Penny by Ethan and her friends, was that exception. She was a powder keg that was ready to explode, a force of nature to be reckon with. She could be cracking jokes with her friends one moment and in a blink of an eye she would lunge at you with the intent to kill. During her demigods year, she have learnt to not be so trusting, and to be friendly even when she didn't want to, it wouln't do her harm at least. But what use was it now? when she is no longer an useful pawn to the gods? 

On her 15th birthday, Penelope learnt the true nature of the gods. 

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