So I don't really know how I'm choosing to format these but just bear with please
So it only makes sense to start this off with my first friend obviously called H. We've been friends for 14 years and now we're both 18 which is weird because we went nursery together and how she drives and we're both actually adults which makes me feel old which is funny because I'm not. She's the person that in year seven and eight whenever I used to see one of those "TaG A FrIeNd YoU'Ve BeEn FrIeNdS WiTh FoR MoRe ThAn SeVeN YeArS" I'd always tag her. It sounds so stupid and stereotypical to say I couldn't imagine my life without her but when she's been such a constant for so many years that it is genuinely how I feel.
Description: H is white (I was reading this thing recently about how white is always seen as the neutral when it comes to characters obviously these people aren't characters there my friends but i decided to make a conscious decision to add the race because I probably would have added the race for my POC friends which obvs illustrates the point the article was making about how white is seen as the neutral ANYWAY back to what ever I was saying) she's quite short like there's a group of five friends that me and her are both in and I'll be introducing to you later called the camping gang and she's the shortest by abit like she's probably 5'2/3 and everyone else is probs about 5'6-5'10. She looks and sounds quite posh and conservative but don't worry she's not a Tory we would not be friends if she was haha. She also comes across very quite and calm and kind at first but she's so much more than that to me she's my best friend we're each others sidekick in another life she would be my wife and tbf in this life she is my safety wife. She's very head strong and she knows what's right and wrong and she will stand up for what she wants but she's also so gentle and forgiving and I've grown so much because of her because she understand who I am as a person and will call me out when I'm out of order but can also see past my actions to who i am underneath and what I am feeling underneath and I think that's why our friendship works so much because she saw and comforted that little tearful boy on the play ground and she sees, comforts and understands the man he's grown into. Okay but like why am I getting abit emotional?? She also has an older sister and parallels cane easily be drawn between her and her sister and me and my brother as we are in the same school year and our siblings were in the same school although our siblings weren't an iconic duo like me and H are haha. I think we often both feel competition with our older sibling as they are have both been in the spotlight as like a front runner of life as they're both extremely clever and excelled in STEM subjects and are now studying Civil engineering and Medicine at uni so obviously very successful whilst me and H both wanted to be actors until very recently although H is very clever probably cleverer than me.
Key memories: So this is probs going to be chunky because as you can imagine we have 14 years of friendship to go through. I'll try to go in chronological order but I'm bad at remembering the order they go in so just bear with. So one of my favourite things to do is to try and remember my first memory of somebody because often these are before we realise these people are going to be special to us which I think is interesting because often what we think and feel now is very different to what we thought and felt about the person in our first memory of them.
Because I've known H so long I have a few very vague memories of her from nursery which I don't remember the details of but the first memory I do have is in reception which if your not from England id the first year of primary school which you start when you 4 years old just so you like get how young we were haha. My first memory is we were in reception and because we were so young we did a lot of learning through play so I remembered they had like a fake house/café in the classroom and they had a conservatory where you could paint there was also a red sandbox where me and Harriet's we pushed and piled all the sand into one of the corners of the sandbox we claimed that this was because we were building Pendle hill which is a big hill near us and is quite famous because superstition states witches used to live on the hill. It's interesting to think that back then I didn't know how important she was going to be for so much longer. I have lots of pictures of us two from all throughout primary school such as pictures of us two from all of my birthdays through primary school.
Another important part of our friendship was during year 3/4 so we were like 7/8/9 years old and that's when I finally convinced her to come to theatre I had been going to when i was six and it was something we loved doing together all the way to almost the end of our teenager years as we left when we were 16/17 but I remember she'd come to my house every Wednesday before and we'd play on the Wii or we'd go on my scooter up and down my street almost getting hit by cars but it was something special for us and I think it will always be a special thing for us as I met so many other people that will be featured in this book. It also held our friendship together when we had a couple of rocky years at the beginning of high school and if it wasn't for the fact we both went to the same sessions we might not still be friends today. This rocky patch was caused because I was going through my emo phase please don't mention it it was so embarrassing and also just not a great point in my life because I was wrestling with things I didn't fully understand and Idk how or why but that manifested in me saying Rawr XD unironically yeah as I said a dark period.
Also just thought I'd put a break here because I completely forgot to mention that H is one of the four people in the cover picture for this book thing. The cover picture features 4/5 of camping gang from left to right I'm pretty sure it goes MRH, LMR, HET and then me.
Surprisingly I won't be mentioning my coming out in this book in terms of many people's reactions because I came out quite early I came out fiver years ago on the 17th July 2016 when I was 13 and many people said it was too early but I'm still gay now so obviously I knew and tbf I don't think your too young to know like when you know you know. Anyway when I told Harriet it was over text whilst I was at a rehearsal for the show I was in at the time which was Frankenstein. Anyway I'm pretty sure I texted her something along the lined of "Btw I'm Gay" and it must have been something along the lines of like I know just something very accepting anyway later in the convo I asked so how are you and I was more just asking for reassurance that she didn't know hate me but she just replied "I'm good" and it doesn't seem like much but we still talk and laugh about this to this day.
An event that happened between us that has scarred me (not really) is the birth of Kelly Schnapps who is technically my drag persona. She was brought to life because H's friend Lauren had to do a project for GCSE art with the topic of 'Metamorphosis' so she wanted to do the metamorphosis of drag and we did this at H's house within another one of her friends and i wore one of her dresses and we stuffed one of her bras with fluffy fox socks and H spent most of the time that my makeup was being done in trimming this grey Halloween wig because the fringe was too long honestly I just wish I could have seen the look on the examiners face when they had to look at Kelly's Gorgeous face. So don't surprised when I turn up on Rupauls drag race and absolutely slay the competition and win every single Ru-peter badge.
Future: In terms of the future this is just abit more speculative and it will be for all of the people I talk about because sadly I can't see into the future Although I wish I could. But in terms of future we're going to different universities in different countries although there both in the UK so there's no hard border between us and the train journey is quicker to get between our unis than it is to travel on the train from our unis to our homes so I guess that's nice to know that she won't be too far away and she is going there with LMR who is another one of my close friends and funnily enough I'm going to the same uni as both H's and LMR's sisters which gives them more reason to come and see me haha. Anyway I hope she succeeds in anything she wants and sets her mind too as I'd do anything for that girl.
My Friends
Non-FictionSo this isn't a story I'm basically going to use it as a diary to express my feeling about the people around me I'm not expecting anyone to read this but if anyone by chance does I hope they grow to love these people as much as I do. I was inspired...