Chapter 4

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        We agree to meet on Wednesday, at 4 o'clock. I get to the library ten minutes early. I go and set bag bag down on the table and take a seat.

        Twenty minutes later, I'm still sitting there. Alone. "It's only ten minutes, hes just running late." I tell myself. So, I sit there for another twenty minutes, right when I'm getting up to leave, he walks in. Rushing over to me, he tries to apologize, but I don't want to hear it. I walk away, but he catches my arm. "Just let me explain."

        I snatch my arm away, but I don't storm off and I stay quiet, as if the silence is saying go ahead.

        "First off, sorry that I'm late. Secondly, I'm late because because I had car trouble, couldn't get it to start, so I had to barrow a freind's." He explains

        I stare at him, "and that took you thirty minutes?!" I snarl.

        He stutters for a minute "Well... I.... Um...." Then he seems to regain his thought, and gives me a real answer. "It took me twenty minutes to figure out what the hell was wrong with it, and then the other ten I was driving here..." He trails off deep in thought. The arrogant look on his face is replaced with what I interpret as sadness.

        "What was wrong?" I question, effectively snapping him back to reality, if there is such a thing. After what I've been through I wasn't sure there was. "With your car, I mean."

        The cocky smile is back. "Well, my car is old and temper-mental, its like one of those rich old guys who marry twenty-year-olds. For three reasons," he says ticking them off on his fingers, "Firstly because they are both old, secondly they both need a little help getting 'started up', and lastly they both like pretty things." The last reason he said while looking at me, I blush deeply.

        "So, what you're trying to say is that your car is a perv?"

        "Yes, that's it exactly!" He smiles widely.

        I give him the Death Glare, and I have to resist the urge to slap that stupid smile off his face.

        He sees that I'm actually angry, "listen I was just joking, it was supposed to be funny, you know, ha ha." I start to walk away. "You don't have to be so uptight about it."

        I whirl around, to face him. I want to slap him but I don't have the guts to. Can I have some help here?

        Instantly she answers. With pleasure.

        She takes over within seconds, and a deafening Crack goes through the nearly empty library.

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