𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 35: 𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎

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I walk outside to the sway house pool, where everyone is. I see Nailea sitting at the edge of the pool, her legs in the water. I walk over to her and sit next to her, putting my legs in the water.

"Hey, what took you so long?" She asks. "This bathing suit was being difficult." I laugh. She lets out a laugh with me. "Should've asked Josh to help." She smirks.

My eyes widen and I hit her arm. "Idiot." I laugh. I look over in the pool and see Josh and some other boys playing pool basketball.

I didn't realize I was staring at him until Nailea taps me. "Girl, you're like in love." She says. I playfully roll my eyes.

"I'm not in love." I deny, looking at her. "Yeah okay, now I won't say I told you so at the wedding." She teases.

"What wedding?" We hear. My head snaps in front of me and I see Josh swimming over to us, a fitted black red sox hat on his head.

"Uh- nothing." I say quickly, glaring at Nai. She gives me an innocent smile, shrugging her shoulders. I look back at Josh and he has an amused look on his face.

"You guys are weird." He comments, shaking his head. "Nai, come over here!" Vinnie calls her name.

She sighs, playfully rolling her eyes but getting in the water, swimming over to him. I turn my attention back to Josh and look down at him.

He puts his arms on either side of my legs, trapping me. "You gonna come in?" He asks. I look in the pool and see everyone laughing and having fun.

"Eh, maybe." I shrug. "Come on J, don't be antisocial today, please." He says. I let out a laugh and take his hat off his head and placing it on mine.

"But where's the fun in that?" I tease, fixing the hat onto my head. "Come on, please baby?" He asks.

He looks me in my eyes and I look back at him. He always tried to do this. He would give me the "i know you like me so you're gonna say yes" eyes and i'd give him the "you don't know what you're talking about" eyes.

He then slowly moves his arms from either side of my legs and slides them up my thighs. I inhale deeply, looking around to see if anyone sees us. "Josh." I warn him.

"What?" He asks, an innocent tone in his voice. A smirk graces his face and he stops his hands at my hips. He pulls me closer to the edge of the pool, wrapping his arms around my waist.

He rests his chin on my stomach, looking up at me. "Just come on, it won't be as much fun without you in here." He says.

I place my hands in his hair, cradling his face in my hands. I lean down and get close to his face. I go in for a kiss but stop right as our lips are about to touch.

"Nope." I whisper, leaning back up. I smile at him as he sighs, putting his head down. "I got you didn't I?" I tease, smiling.

He lets out and airy laugh. "Yeah you did." He admits. I take his hat off, placing it beside me. "That leaves me no choice." He sighs.

My eyes widen but before I can react he pulls me by my waist, into the pool. "Josh!" I scream as he pulls me in.

I push him off of me when I steady myself in the pool. "I hate you." I roll my eyes. He let's out a deep chuckle, pulling me into him by my waist.

"Yeah, right." He smiles. He leans down, using his pointer finger to lightly tilt my chin up. He brings my lips to his, kissing me softly.

I almost melt at the way the kiss feels. I know we kiss all the time, but something about this one felt different. It felt like something had....switched.

Like all the things I was feeling for the boy in front of me were becoming clearer and clearer by the second.

I pull away, putting my head down, leaning against his chest. I hide my face in an attempt to hide my big smile. "Why do you always do that?" He asks, a laugh coming from his lips, giving me butterflies all over.

I finally look up at him. "Do what?" I ask. "You do that thing where you hide your face after I kiss you." He explains, giving me a soft smile.

I hesitate for a second. "I don't know, I just do." I shrug. Realization washes over his face.

"Do I make you nervous, babe?" He asks. I immediately shake my head. "What-no." I lie. He laughs, throwing his head back.

"I totally do." He pokes me side. I jump away from him. "Whatever, idiot." I roll my eyes, looking away from him to hide my smile.

As he's laughing, I decide to catch him off guard. I push him back into the pool. He falls back and I double over laughing. When he doesn't come back up for a second I look around in the water.

"Josh?" I say looking around. Suddenly I feel arms snake around my waist from under the water. I gasp when I'm lifted up, but I look down and see Josh smiling at me.

I let out at laugh, wrapping my legs around his waist. He laughs with me, readjusting his hands around my waist. "I got you good didn't I?" He mocks me. I roll my eyes again, letting out a small laugh.

I wipe his now wet hair from his face, leaning down to kiss his lips. He squeezes my waist as he kisses me, letting out another small laugh against my lips.

We pull away and his eyes roam my face. He finally meets my eyes. "How did I get so lucky?" He sighs.

I let out a small laugh. "Josh stop." I smile. "I'm being serious, you're like my favorite thing ever." He smiles.

"That's a very high honor, I'm flattered." I say, moving my hands from his hair to around his neck. He moves his hands from my waist to under my thighs, holding me better.

"Am I your favorite thing?" He asks. "Eh, your close, behind Angel and Buddy of course." I joke.

"Wow, good to know where your priorities are." He says, giving me a fake shocked face.

"I'm not gonna lie to you, I care too much." I say. He laughs at me, making me smile.

For the first time in a couple weeks I truly felt happy.

ᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴀʟᴋ
did i just give y'all a full chapter of nothing but josh and jadah fluff? yes yes i did😌. It's been a while since we've had just a simple happy chapter so i'll give it to y'all🙄.

i've actually had this pool chapter in my head/ notes for a long time i just never wrote it lmaooo but there you go ig💀.

finding zayn rares is my favorite past time i love it sm

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finding zayn rares is my favorite past time i love it sm. follow me on pinterest tho @zarrylove 😌

stay bad and have a great day loves i'm not ready for this freaking boxing match lord😭🙄

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