𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 43: 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚖; 𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎

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"Why couldn't Vinnie hang again today?" I ask Nailea as we walk through the park with Angel beside me

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"Why couldn't Vinnie hang again today?" I ask Nailea as we walk through the park with Angel beside me. She looks over at me. "Oh- he's streaming, you know how he is about his streaming schedule." She responds.

I nod my head. "Well it just feels like he's avoiding me because we don't really talk or text anymore and we used to do that like everyday." I tell her. "Bryce doesn't even talk to me that much and i'm his assistant."

She side eyes me, quickly avoiding my eye contact. "I'm sure it's nothing." She dismisses. I give her a suspicious look. "Nai, what do you know?" I ask her slowly.

"Nothing." She shrugs. "Nailea, you're my best friend, don't lie to me." I say, trying to look her in the eye. I stop in my tracks, realization hitting me.

"Is it because of Josh?" I ask her. She slowly nods her head. "Vinnie told me that Josh has been totally down and really distant with everyone every since your break up." She reveals.

I let out a sigh. "Well what do you want me to do? What he did was wrong." I say.

"Jadah, i don't think a guy in the wrong would feel this bad about what he did if it wasn't some misunderstanding." She reasons.

"Well it's not like he's tried to text or call." I mutter. "Vinnie said that Josh said he wanted to give you your space, so he didn't text or call." Nai reveals.

"I mean- didn't you tell me about your dad saying to at least talk to him before he left?" She asks.

"Yeah, he did." I say lowly. We reach my car and I open the back door for Angel to jump in the backseat. Before I get the chance to move Nai stops me.

"J please, i wouldn't be pushing this on you if I didn't think it was right." She says softly. I sigh, looking away from her.

"Jadah you're my best friend and I just want you to be happy and I can tell you haven't been ever since the break up. He made you happy, you can't deny that." She says.

"Yeah he did." I agree. "But that's why it hurt so much when I found out what he did." I say.

She gives me a look. "And I get that." She starts. "Just at least hear him out, please?" She asks. "I wouldn't put you a situation to get hurt and you know that." She reminds me.

I look her in the eyes and can tell she's genuine. "Fine." I give in. "I'll talk to him." I say.

She smiles. "Good, now drop me off so that I can go sleep for the rest of the day." She smiles, getting into the passenger seat.

I roll my eyes, walking around to the drivers seat.

I'm on my bed, scrolling through my instagram, when I come across an edit that has me tagged. I click on it, thinking it's a fan edit of me.

My smile falters slightly when slowmo edits of me and Josh pop up, transitioning every few seconds. The edit had voiceovers of us talking about each other in it, our sweet words ringing in my ears.

"And honestly, he's an amazing guy, he makes me laugh, he makes me really happy." My voice says in the edit.

"Well, she's not just my assistant. She's more than that, she's my best friend, she keeps me grounded, all of that." Josh's voice comes next.

Suddenly my eyes start to become blurry and I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

As much as I tried to push the feeling away, as much as I tried to convince myself that the inevitable truth wasn't true, as much as I tried to tell myself that i didn't miss him. It was all a lie. I did.

I missed him more than anything. I missed his hugs, his kisses, his laugh, his smile. I missed everything. I missed my best friend.

He's the only person other than Nailea who truly knows who I am. He knows me inside out, and I know who he truly is.

That's when the realization hit me. I love him.

I'm in love with Josh.

Wiping my tears, I go to my contacts, ready to talk to Josh. I click his contact, my finger hovering over the call button.

Before my fingers touches the screen my phone rings.

Bryce's contact name appears and I sigh. I press the "accept" button, putting the phone to my ear.

"Well look who's finally deciding to talk to me." I tease. When I don't hear a response on the other end I check to see if the call didn't hang up.

Seeing that the call is still going I raise the phone back to my ear. "Bryce?" I question. "You there?"

I suddenly hear ragged breathing and confusion takes over my features. "Bryce what's wrong?" I ask, panic starting to set in.

"Jadah." He says, his voice shaking. "Bryce tell me what's going on." I say.

"It's Josh." He finally says. My eyes widen at the mention of his name. "What about Josh?"

"He's in the hospital."

ᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴀʟᴋ
hey bestiesss:)

anyways stay bad love youuu😆🥰

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙷𝙴𝙻𝙿 ~ 𝙹𝙾𝚂𝙷 𝚁𝙸𝙲𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙳𝚂Where stories live. Discover now