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The first time Loki does it is after 3 months of being teammates. Loki pulls you aside and his eyebrows are knitted.

"Have you taken your medicine today? Did you drink enough water to counter balance the dehydration it causes?"

Ok first of all how did Loki know your meds cause dehydration, even you didn't know that. Second, did he see you as a baby that couldn't handle itself, what the fuck. You're about to tell the God off for being so inconsiderate when you truly see the look on his face. It's full of genuine concern but otherwise there isn't a sneer or contempt, just worry and inquisitiveness.

"Yes, I took my morning pills and I'll get a bottle of water soon." You smoothly say to placate the God. He nods and the frown of concern drops to a neutral look.

"How did you know I take meds by the way?" You ask.

"Stark told me that you take anti depressants daily, what could happen if you missed them." Loki says flippantly.

You hum thoughtfully but leave that conversation in the dust.

The next time Loki asks you it's in the heat of battle. You're both fighting off some new bots that Dr. Doom had managed to build. The amount of bots surrounding the area makes you wonder how much free time the man has or if the bots are made in a factory setting, either way both are concerning.

You had been feeling a little off all day and there was something on the edge of you mind that you knew you had forgot but you couldn't for the life of you figure out what it was you had forgotten. Feeling off you had made a few remarks depreciating your body and even some vague remarks to the robots about ending your life. You hadn't noticed Loki's concerned looks but you had heard Stark's concern when he asked if the both of you were ok. He was clearly asking about you but included Loki so he wouldn't single you out. Loki answered positive then when you had taken out the robots in your section pulled you into an alcove and asked, "Did you take your pills today?"

Bingo! You had forgotten to take your medicine!

Groaning and face palming you told Loki, "No, I completely forgot, that's why I feel so weird today."

Loki hummed then his hands worked his magic and he had two familiar pills in his hand which he offered to you. You looked at him suspiciously but thanked him and took the pills.

Later on when you were working your way through more robots you grunted from impact of your fist into the robot then asked Loki, "You just carry everybody's medications on you or something?"



Months later you find yourself in a precarious situation. You're an Avenger so it comes with the title and all but you were kidnapped. Some group that went by The Ten Rings, someone which Tony had dealt with in the past if you remembered his reports correctly.

You were strong you could handle torture, Shield had prepared you for it, intensively. What thy couldn't prepare you for was the deep depression that would hit you when you hadn't taken your pills in a week.

You're on day 7 of not having your pills and while you try to stay optimistic you can't help the small voice in the back of your head telling you the Avengers weren't going to come for you, that you were alone, that no one liked you enough to save you. You would simply shake your head and think of all your fond memories of the Avengers, of a newfound family that was yours.

Depression isn't a reasonable argument though. Trying to argue with clinical depression is like arguing with a brick wall. So your thoughts became dark. The Ten Rings set you up in a room, you alone in a chair, crying, and a video camera in front of you. Most likely the Avengers were going to see this but your hope was dwindling too fast.

"Please let me die, let me rest, they don't care, they're not going to come for me, so just kill me already!" You started softly pleading then it turned to a sobbing yell. Struggling against your bonds but giving up too fast.

"I can't-I can't do this anymore, kill me, please." You breathed out, closing your eyes tight and letting yourself fall forwards as much as your bonds let you.

The Ten Rings stopped the recording and took you back to your room where you cried intermittently. You weren't sure if it was hours or days that passed considering they had left you in a dark room but there was an unmistaken rumble from the ground. Then the walls started shaking and you could hear yelling outside your room.

"Where is she?" A fevered voiced yelled above everyone screaming. It was only a few minutes longer then the door to your room opened and you squinted at the figure blocking some of the light through the doorway. The figure quickly made their way to you and kneeled next to you, their hand cupping your jaw and bringing your eyes to their green ones.

You let a sob tear out of you and laid your head on his shoulder as he cut your restraints, your hands automatically curling around him as he picked you up and carried you away.

Once you were back in the tower, showered, and laying in bed, Loki came and sat at the edge of the bed with a glass of water. Handing you two of your pills and the glass of water, he watched you take your medicine and smiled softly when you nodded to him in thanks, handing him back the water.

Closing your eyes you sighed and fought the lump in your throat to say, "I didn't know if-"

"We never stopped looking for you, the minute we knew you were gone we were all on a hunt."

You swallowed and looked up at Loki.

"Did you see..."


You flinched but Loki laid a comforting hand on your head then began stroking his thumb over your temple.

"You couldn't help the thoughts, you had been without your medicine for a week, don't feel guilty for something you can't control." Loki said, his eyes looking over you as if checking to make sure you really were ok. When they came to rest on your eyes you gave a small smile.

"Thanks." You said with a big yawn.

"Sleep, I'll come check on you in a few hours."

You tried to reply with at least an 'ok' but you felt yourself pulled into sleep before you could say anything else. 

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