But Really - Sirius Black

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Good day! This is another requested one shot by the lovely @JulzLovDraco4Eva. I really hope you enjoy, and please do comment as I love reading what you say. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!

Warning: Slight Language / Slightly Sappy Ending / I'm not good at sappy scenes :)

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"Pink looks good on you, Potter!"

"Fuck off, Black!"

You stomp away from the corridor you were just in, the laughter and chatter of fellow students fading in the background as you get farther away. Every time you take a step, bright pink paint is splattered across the corridor floor, and for a moment you sort of feel bad for Filch, the caretaker, who has to clean it all up. However, that's nothing compared to where you just came from, where the paint covers every inch of the corridor.

For anyone who wasn't there at the moment, they would know exactly what happened when they saw you.

That damned Sirius Black.

He had played another one of his stupid little pranks on you again. This time you were just walking to the courtyard for a little downtime before dinner, and before you knew it, you were suddenly covered in paint. And this wasn't the first time this has happened, actually, this was the third time this week. Other times include pushing into the Black Lake, dying your hair with green dye for a week, and putting cockroaches into your school bag.

For as long as you could remember, he and his friends have been using you as a guinea pig for their pranks. And what way to make it better than to have your own twin brother in that group. James Potter.

It's not that you didn't like your twin brother, in fact, you had a fairly healthy relationship with him. Well, as healthy as a relationship could get when you have a sibling. You both did everything together. Made it into Gryffindor together, had the same classes, and even had the same friends. Yes, you enjoyed James' friends, as you and Remus did get along really well and you always found Peter to be oh-so sweet. You just didn't enjoy having Sirius Black at your house more times that you could count.

Finally making it to a bathroom, you push open the door and stalk over to the sinks, turning one of them on. By this time most of the paint had either dried up in your hair or started dripping on the floor. Irritated, you lean your head over the sink and start to wash out the paint.

Sirius Black, that damn Sirius Black

With his perfect hair, and his perfect stupid smile

And his cloudy grey eyes that one can very easily get lost in

Why does someone so damn attractive have to be so damn annoying

Yes, you admitted it a long time ago. You like Sirius Black. Actually, that's an understatement. Even through all the pranks and snarky remarks to each other, you really like him. You had no idea what it was that drew you towards him, but you couldn't find yourself staying mad at him too long. Despite all the terrible things he puts you through, you still like him.

Once you believe you've gotten most of the paint out, you squeeze the water out of your hair and lift your head back up to look into the mirror, noticing the paint covering your uniform. You remove your robe, where most of the paint is, and fold it up neatly over your arm. 'Good thing classes are already out for the day,' you think to yourself.

As you walk out of the bathroom you notice Lily Evans standing across the hall, seemingly waiting for you.

"Hey, you didn't need to wait for me."

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