Chapter 1

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"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Goki said bursting through Mr Ouji-sama's office doors, with a stack of papers piled high.

"What took you so long." , Mr Ouji-sama said.

"Sorry sir! the printer ran out of ink, so I had to go get more ink." , Goki said, putting the papers on her desk.

"Well then, I want that paper work to be done before Friday, Okay?" , Mr Ouji-sama said, putting his files away.

With that being said he left his office, off to another board meeting with Nappa and the other board members, leaving Goki with a hell of amount of paperwork.

Goki's POV

'Well more paperwork, I guess this is what I get for being an assistant for  a famous person, Mr Ouji-sama hired me a few years back, and I've been working for him for three years to be exact.'

I sat down and got to work,many of the papers were about music and producers, I had to put all of that in one file for Mr Ouji-sama.

'All right let's see, this goes here,that goes here....hold on this is a letter for Mr Ouji-sama, I wonder who's it from, it has their family crest on it.' I thought

Maybe it was on my desk for quite some time I think I forgot about it, while going through the papers, I decided to put the letter on Mr Ouji-sama's desk, and back to my paperwork once again.

'Alright this goes here,he needs to sign these ones, two bills an-'

"Goki! do you mind getting me a cup of coffee NOW!", Mr Ouji-sama said, interrupting me thoughts.

"Right away sir, the usual right?"

He gave me the 'You know what I want' look, I just nodded and left.

I went down the elevator all the way to the mini kitchen. It had white cupboards with silver lining , a counter in the center with a marble top, a kettle, microwave, fridge, sink and lovely hanging lights over the counter.

I switched the kettle on, and just got stuck in thought.

'I wonder who gave Mr Ouji-sama that letter , he doesn't have any family that I know of.'

I was so stuck in thought that I didn't realize the kettle was done boiling.

I was making the coffee when an unfamiliar person walked into kitchen, he was taller than me, he had spiking flame hair very similar to Mr Ouji-sama, he was wearing jeans with a black hoodie.

He looked like he was trying to find something so I helped him.

"Hi, what ya lookin for?" , I asked, he turned around and looked at me up and down.

"Nothing really, maybe a cup of Coffee would do." , he said, still looking at me.

"Okay, what do you want in your coffee, sugar no sugar or sweeter?" ' I asked, he was so pale when I said all of that, I just grinned, his face went beat red at that moment.

"How do you know every single detail?" , he asked color regaining control again.

I started making the coffee for him.

"Well my boss likes a persific amount of everything in his coffee so that's why I know." , I said.

"Okay, your boss seems nice."

"Yeah he is, sometimes." , I said handing him his coffee.

"Thanks, anyway your an assistant, right."


I looked at the time and I gasped, Mr Ouji-sama is gonna be so mad, the flame haired man looked at me curiously, I told him I had to go, I grabbed  Mr Ouji-sama's coffee and ran for the elevator, The guy just stood there looking at me. I wonder what he was here for.


I walked into the office and handed Mr Ouji-sama hid coffee, he seemed annoyed so I just put the coffee on his desk and went back to my work, I was halfway through my work when I heard an unforgiving shout, It was Mr Ouji-sama.

"This coffee is terrible, Goki!" , Mr Ouji-sama screamed.

I quickly ran to his desk ready to get an earful but it never came, my eyes were shut, I peeked with my one eye, only to see Mr Ouji-sama holding his mug to my face, I was so confused.

"Uh......Sir wha-" , I asked when he interrupted me.

"Just go and throw it down the sink, I am just too tired to deal with you now." , He said handing me the mug and began to masarge his temples.

I was walking out of the office when Mr Ouji-sama said,"When you're done with that you can go home, alright."

"Thank you sir." , I said walking out of the office.

Some people might think I'd be happy to go home but well not really, my roommate is well weird, I walked over to the sink and poured the coffee down the sink and sighed.

"To home I go then." , I said to no one in particular.

I grabbed my things from the office and the rest of my paperwork, tonight I felt like having take out so I went to my best friends diner, Krillin's Diner.


I parked the car, and saw a car all to familiar. . . . My roommates car, I wonder if she brought Broly this time, Broly is very shy person yet don't make him angry or your in for it the thiers-

"Hey Goki you finally made it!"

Bulma. . . . she's like the housekeeper of out apartment.

"Yeah, I did!" ,  I said grinning and walking to our usual table.

We sat down in silence until 18 came to take our order, Bulma ordered Dragon sushi, Broly, well ordered fries with extra dragon sauce, I just ordered Shenron's meat burger. While our food was getting ready Bulma asked me how was my day and well I told her everything about the coffee and paperwork, Broly just sat in silence and listened about my day, I didn't tell Bulma about that flame haired guy, or she would ask me a whole lot of questions about him, that properly won't work because I just met the guy, I don't even know his name, our food arrived, and we ate and laughed, when we were done we sat and chatted for a while.

"Goki can we go now." , Broly asked

"I want to go home to, I still have paperwork." , I said getting up from my place. Bulma didn't want to leave so Broly and I had to drag her out and put her in her car and she drove away leaving Broly to come with me, so Broly came with me in my car.

When we got home Bulma went to bed so did Broly, I sat and finished my paperwork. When that was done I went to bed, read for tomorrow.

Hey guys

hope you like the story I will start working on the next chapter

sorry for any spelling mistakes

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