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This is my first year of high school now. Well, technically, it hasn't started yet. It's the first day. I'm currently getting changed in my room quickly, before my dad wakes up. It won't be good if he sees me in the morning, or anytime really, but the mornings and late at night are the worst. The mornings are when he's hung over and hasn't had his coffee yet, but at night is when he's drunk and will do anything.

    I finish getting dressed and just leave my hair how it is. It's a little tangled, but who cares? I'm almost out of the house when my mother spots me. Well, she calls herself my mother. I call her an evil little dog who's a useless excuse for a mother. I have reasons for that, of course, and they're not just petty reasons.

    "Hey (Y/n), where are you going?" the witch asked.

    "I'm going to school," I said, putting on my shoes, "bye,"

    She grabs my shoulder before I can walk out of the door, smiling that fake, creepy smile that she likes to do.

    "Wait, before you go, you should eat breakfast!"

    "I don't have time, I'm going to be late,"

    "Well, you can take something to go," she said, going to get something for me to take with me, "here, take this,"

    She handed me a piece of toast. I knew that I would just have to deal with trouble later if I didn't take it or left before she could even give it to me, so I took it and faked a smile, much better than how fake smiles. I threw out the toast across the road. The last time I ate something she gave me, I was throwing my guts out into a bathroom trash can.

    "Thanks, I'm going now," I said, walking out of the door before she could answer. I can't wait until I can move out.

As I walk across the street, I almost got ran over. I wouldn't mind if it did hit me, it's not like I have anything to live for, anyways. I'm not depressed, not anymore. The reason I was depressed in the first place was because of my parents, but I'm good now. All of my scars have healed, too.

I eventually find my way to the correct classroom: class 1-A. I don't think my quirk is good enough for the hero course, but I still made it somehow. My quirk is called Confusion. All I can do is confuse people so they forget where they are and what they're doing. I probably only got in because of my father. My mother hates me, but she has to do what my father says. He might get violent if she doesn't. Since she's a pro hero, she could've recommended me. That's probably what happened. I didn't even want to go to UA. It'll be better than a boarding school, I guess. I'll be less bored, so that's a plus.

    There is this guy who is sitting alone, one of the only people who were, which didn't leave many options for seat choices.

    "Hey, I'm Denki Kaminari!" he smiled.

    "That's nice." I said, not really even looking at him. I don't really like people, but they've always like me, for some reason. That's why I've had friends and boyfriends before. I only let them in so that I wouldn't be that bored. It ended up being boring after a while, though.

    "Um- what's your name?" he said, trying to get me to talk to him.


    "Do you have a first name?"

    "I don't see why it matters, and it's none of your business anyways, goodbye," I turned away from him as best as I could without actually going anywhere. I heard him mutter "harsh" under his breath. I then looked up at him, and I saw him for the first time. He didn't look all that bad, really. Looking around the room, I see a familiar face: Bakugo. I sighed. This is going to be a looooong year.

Word Count: 682 Words

Hey guys! Thought I'd do a Denki x reader next because, why not! I haven't really decided on an updating schedule yet, so we'll see!


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