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The raven and the blonde were sitting and waiting for their drinks. When the bartender arrived apparently he recognized the 'hokage' so there they were getting as many free drinks as they wanted. They were both pretty drunk when they decided to play 20 questions.. 

''Alright I'll ask you the questions first'' the Uchiha slurred out a bit. ''What is your.. what's your body count?'' Naruto sighed. ''Straight to it, huh Uchiha?'' The Uzumaki then put his hand on his chin like he was trying to think, ''Well lets see, there was those two girls while I was with pervy sage.. Then that one guy, best not to say his name'' Naruto laughed out kinda embarrassed. ''Then Hinata, and i think thats about all'' The blonde finished then looked back at Sasuke to see he looks like he just saw a ghost. ''uhh.. you good Sasuke?'' 

Sasuke was dumbfounded, he was shocked, astonished. Did Naruto just say a guy? Did he hear that right? Maybe he didn't, I mean he IS pretty drunk.. ''A guy?..'' He questioned, letting his curiosity get the best of him. ''Yeah, a guy. You didn't know? I'm actually bi. Believe it or not I used to have a little crush on you back then, before you left.'' Naruto replied taking another sip out of his beer like he didn't just say what he said. 

What. The. Fuck. Before he left? He liked him back at one point? He was bi? Too much was going on in Sasuke's mind right now. The man he's been in love with for almost all his life liked him back, and he left him. If he wasn't in front of everyone right now he would probably be crying right now. He regretted leaving even more now than he already did. If he hadn't have left maybe, just maybe he wouldn't have been with Hinata, Itachi would still be alive and he would be happy. But no. He just had to leave, he knows he hurt Naruto when he left, and that hurt Sasuke too but he had too.. wanted too, for revenge. God he was so blind back then. 

"Yo, you good Sasuke? looks like you've just ghost'' the blonde laughed out. "Wha- Oh, Im fine.." he lied, "Alright..if you say so" Naruto wasn't THAT stupid. He could see something was wrong but he didn't want to push it cause the raven obviously didn't wanna talk about it. 

''Naruto-kun!!" the two boys turned around to see Hinata waving at them-- at Naruto. ''Hinata! Hey! What're doing?'' the blonde questioned while getting up to hug her. "Was just taking a walk and saw you" the shy girl replied while hugging her husband back with a small blush coating her pale skin. 

"I better get going, see you Naruto.." It was better to leave, It hurt his heart seeing them together. He decided he would just go home and relax to clear his head. After all, he was still kinda drunk so that would be best for him and for the headache that was starting to form by the second. 

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