Raven Method <3

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    The Raven method is probably the easiest way to shift for me, it's pretty minimum effort but I do struggle with keeping focus on counting since my mind wanders a lot.


How to do it:

- lay in a starfish position with none of your limbs touching eachother.

- relax and close your eyes, maybe play some subliminals if you would like.

- count to 100 slowly with affirmations between each number. (e.g. 1, I have shifted, 2, I have shifted... etc.) You can use any affirmation you feel like using to shift.

- after counting, visualise your dr and how you would wake up. Imagine who you'll meet, what you'll smell and hear etc.

- simply fall asleep and you will probably wake up in your dr, (make sure to script or just keep in mind that your eyes automatically open and you wake up when you shift to your dr, it really helps.)


I've also tried the Sunni method and I'll explain that another time, but Raven works best for me at the moment. I might try and find another similar that still tires me out and is easy to fall asleep to but requires less focus since I have no attention span whatsoever.

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