Hogwarts vs Beauxbatons

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Draco POV

The day of first game arrived. In order for the game to be fair, Bagman was going to be the announcer. He was an idiot but knew how to do it at least.

"Students from Hogwarts,  Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, welcome to the first game of the quidditch school competition!. Our first match, id Hogwarts vs Beauxbatons and here are the players!. The Seeker is Harry Potter and the capitan, also from Gryffindor!". Harry come in in his firebolt, followed by Naruto and the others as they had diferrent brooms. From  firebolts and firebolts-2 to nimbus 2002 as bagman announce others "The first Chaser is Naruto Namikaze, also from Gryffindor, Second Chaser, Sakura Haruno from Ravenclawn and the final Chaser is Angelina Johnson also from Gryffindor. Now the first Beater is Gaara from Slytherin, the final Beater Kankuro from Hufflepuff and finally keeper Ronald Weasley from Gryffindor!". All of them together, they use their wands to form the school four animals (Lion, Snake, Badger and an Eagle). The Hogwarts students and staff cheered "now, here comes the Beauxbatons!". Their team was impressive and was all female. Many of them, were big and had muscle. They did the same and use their wands to form their shield.

"Clean game" said madam hooch "clear?". Harry nodded as well as the Beauxbatons capitan "then begin!!". She throw the quaffle and immediately Naruto grabbed before the chaser from Beauxbatons could. Quickly he throw it to Sakura and then she to Angelina and moments later, she scored.

"And Hogwarts scores!!!" Bagman said "Hogwarts 10 Beauxbatons 0!!!!". We all cheered together as once again, Naruto had the ball, quicky taking it away from the chaser from Beauxbatons and not even given the keeper a chance to rest, as he scored another one from Hogwarts "and Hogwarts scores again!!!!. Hogwarts 20 Beauxbatons 0!!!!"

"Naruto is really good!" Said Neville

"There is a reason why you are champions three years in a row" I said

"You won't play?" Neville asked me

"I am the reserve seeker, unless Harry is injured, no" I answered "the chasers are more vulnerable"

"And Hogwarts scores again!" Said Bagman "Hogwarts 30 Beauxbatons 0!!!!". The game continue going as Naruto and Sakura scored two each and Beauxbatons scored two times as well, making the score Hogwarts 70 and Beauxbatons 20. Harry hasn't spotted the snitch yet and that wasn't good. While the chasers of Beauxbatons weren't very good, they were very fast as well. One hour later, the score was a hundred and fifty for Hogwarts and seventy for Beauxbatons. Ron was an excellent keeper and he had block a lot of attacks."Looks like Harry Potter has seen the snitch as well as the other seeker!"

"If Beauxbatons caught it, we lose" said Hinata

"And Namikaze scores another one for Hogwarts!!!" Said Bagman. As Harry went at fast speed to try and caught the snitch, followed by the Beauxbatons seeker "Haruno scores another one!. The score now is one hundred and seventy for Hogwarts and seventy for Beauxbatons!!!!". We cheered loudly as we were winning but we knew we couldn't celebrate yet. Harry has lost sight of the snitch as well as the other seeker.

"Foul!!!!" Said Bagman as Angelina Johnson fall unconscious after been hit by a bludger "Ino Yamanaka, from Hufflepuff is replacing her!". I cheered for my girlfriend as she entered with her firebolt "Yamanaka has the quaffle and she goes fast, passing it to Namikaze, who gives the quaffle back to her and she scores!!!. One hundred and eighty to Hogwarts and seventy to Beauxbatons!!!". The game was the longest in Hogwarts history, as neither Harry or the seeker of Beauxbatons have found the snitch in the next hour. Naruto, Sakura and Ino had scored three times each and Beauxbatons manage to score two more five more times, as Hogwarts now has two hundred and seventy and Beauxbatons had one hundred and twenty.

"We are massacring them" said Hinata "they are really good". And then we saw as Harry put Beauxbatons out of their misery when he finally caught the snitch.

"Harry Potter has caught the snitch!!!" Said Bagman "Hogwarts wins four hundred and twenty to one hundred and twenty of Beauxbatons, making Hogwarts first place and Beauxbatons second place for now, depending on how many points Durmstrang scores on their match against Hogwarts, their match been after the first task, been on November 30th!!". Hogwarts celebrated and all the Beauxbatons students weren't very happy to have lost but were very impressed at how good our chacers and our keeper was.

AN: Hope you like it. I never wrote a match like this before, so I hope is good.

Next, Harry and Naruto discovers what is the first task and what awaits them and no longer after that, Harry prepares for the first task and face the first danger

Next possibly update: July 7th to July 10th

AN2: All tasks expect the last one, will be divided in two. One for Harry and the next for Naruto.

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