Chapter 4

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The weekend past and Y/N did actually decide to hang out with Steve and talk with. He was the only one who knew her secret and over the weekend they sorta bonded.

It was like they could tell each other everything and they defiantly got close pretty quick. On Monday she left alot better so Y/N walked into the office and did her normal routine of work. Y/N was still debating what to do about everything since she still had time.

Then another week had past and that made her 8 weeks going on her 9th which meant her time was running out. Although she had an appointment with her doctor and saw her little baby.

Later that day she went into work and all Y/N wanted to go do was go into Tony's office and tell him she was with child and that he was going to be a father. But then she thought that would just be crazy and inappropriate to do at work.

So of course she kept her mouth shut and couldnt wait to show Steve the ultrasound when he comes to pick her up.

"Y/N, come in my office for a moment please." Tony says.

Y/N felt a pit in her stomach because he was calling her in. She was worried about why. All she was doing was packing up her desk for the day.

"Have a seat. We need to talk." Tony says closing the door behind her.

"Umm... Okay." Y/N says taking a seat.

"Peter has been low ever since I sent you home when you were ill. Peter clearly misses you and its obvious why. So I think you really need to forget about what happened between us. I know we dont speak about those two times, but it clear to as why you shut Peter out. I dont like seeing him so sad." Tony says.

"And what do you want me to do about that Mr.Stark? I dont have feelings for him other then a friendship. So I dont know what you except from me." Y/N says.

Tony was about to say something when he noticed someone he had never seen before looking around Y/N's desk.

"Y/N stay here. I need to get Happy to escort that man out." Tony says picking up the phone.

Y/N turned around and saw Steve at her desk and hung up Tony's call before it went through.

"Its okay, Mr.Stark. He's my neighbor and my ride home." Y/N says.

Tony's face immediately dropped and boy if looks could kill.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Y/N says.

Y/N got up and left his office. Tony just watched as she hugged Steve and watched them as they left.

"Mr.Stark you ready to go Sir?" Happy asks.

"Happy who was that man? You let him in here." Tony says.

"Yes I did. His name is Steve Rogers and he lives across the hall from Y/N. He usually drops her off in the morning and sometimes gets her after work. Its been like that for a week now since they met." Happy says.

"Well find out everything you can on him. Background checks and everything." Tony says.

"I already have. Since Y/N is Peter's friend and works here. I felt obligated to make sure she was around good people." Happy says.

"And what did you find?" Tony asks.

"That he is a military Captain. Joined the army right out of college. And when he isnt there he works as a art teacher down at the community college. But had to move into a new place due to the fact the friends he lived with had a baby." Happy says.

"His age?" Tony asks.

"He just turned 32." Happy says.

"Aright whatever. Please go get the car. I'd like to go home." Tony says.

Happy nodded and left his office and went to go get the car.

"So Y/N clearly has a thing for older men. But I dont trust it. A week since they met. Yeah this Rogers wants something, but what?" Tony questions to himself.

He was clearly upset just like he was when Peter asked her out. If Tony would be honest he had feels, but since he wants to shut them down he wont let anyone get to close until the crush is over.

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