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Chapter One -

I lay down on the bed in the nice hotel, dropping the contents of my hands. The walls stained an off white and modern pieces of artwork hanging off the walls. My mind returned to the man that drove me to the hotel, in his taxi. Something didn't seem right. He gave me a warm smile every now and then; but it kept verging on creepy. The thump at my door shook me of my thoughts. I ran to the door and looked through the peephole. Two men stood in front of the door. One I recognised from the taxi. "What do you want?" I said politely. They didn't answer. One of them turned side on and started bashing into the door. He was trying to break down the door. I ran to find a room to hide in. Why were these damn hotels so big? I found my bedroom and crawled under my bed to try and stay hidden. The dust under the bed filled my nostrils as I heard the door being knocked over. My heart was in my throat. I clutched the pendant dangling from my neck. It faintly chimed next to my ear. I closed my eyes praying they wouldn't come in this room and look under the bed. But just as those thoughts leave my head I hear shouting and stomping, the vibrations traveling through the floorboards, in my direction of course. I'm going to die lonely and scared. I hold my breath as the footsteps slow to outside my door. This is it. All or nothing. I squeeze my eyes closed. The door creaks open and I can hear the thud of my heart, and I am sure that everyone in the entire hotel can too. My head pulses as he creeps around the room. The man drops to the floor and chuckles and I feel defeated. Any hope of surviving is gone. And I feel completely ruined and wrecked. This cannot be happening. A man kidnapping me?! What did they even want?! I thought this crap only happens in movies. Before I could elaborate a hand cupped my mouth. I screamed. And not a weak 'is that a spider' scream but a real 'this is it' scream. It was loud, but muffled by the hand of the man holding me back. His grip tightened and pulled me back. I latched my teeth onto his hand and bit hard. The immediate metallic taste of blood hit my tongue before he dropped me to the floor. But he didn't let me go for long, his hands insanely large and strong latched around my midsection before I could even turn around. I thrashed and kicked and yelled, but none of it sparked any attention in anyone but the man holding me.

"Get in here mate, she's feisty." The man behind me yelled to his friend.

"Can't handle a puny little girl?" The other one chuckled loudly before complying to his friends orders and tackling me also. He held tape up to my head and put it over my mouth sealing it shut. The thick rope was tied around my arms and legs, burning them almost instantly. This is where I drew the line. I can't win. I can't do this. Two men tackling a not yet 20 year old girl? Obviously they would win. I threw my head down in defeat and halted my movements.

"In the bag Dan." The bigger one ordered as he unzipped a long bag, big enough to fit my body with a tight squeeze. The man - Dan, I suppose - lifted me and placed me into the bag.

"Hey little girl. If you draw any attention to us there will be punishments. Ok?" Dan said in a patronising tone before zipping the bag up.

Then I was left in complete darkness feeling my circulation being cut off, in the bag being handled by two men.

The car ride was bumpy and seemed to take forever, but I tried to remember it as well as I could. Maybe I could have a chance to run away, get out of here. Run and find someone to help me. To help anybody else that these people could have hurt before.What does it even matter? That's it. They have me tied up in the back of their car. I lose. I try to prepare myself for what will be out there when I arrive at the house. Or building. Or wherever they are going to take me. The car stops and I open my eyes. I hear both of their doors open and close before opening the sliding door, the one I am behind I assume. Four hands grab various places of the bag and I'm lugged inside the building. Or house. They out me down just inside the door.

"I said don't bring her here you idiots! But do you listen? No. If the police comes were done. Totally ruined. The whole company!" A loud voice booms. Company?

"Sorry boss, I didn't think it would be that big of a deal besides you said you wanted her here to question her." Dans wimpy voice says. Question? Me? What did I know?

"Oh forget it, the police don't even matter. It's him were worried about. You know that. He's got a lot of shit on us. As soon as he finds out where we are we'll be killed. At least with the cops we have a chance. As soon as he gets -" The boss is cut off and so are all of the erupting questions in my head.

"It's really not nice to talk about people behind their back boys." A more clean and nice voice says sarcastically. Then the room goes quiet. And the gunshots sound.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2014 ⏰

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