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Warnings: None.


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     GEN AND RAFE WALK DOWN TO THE wreck. Why? Because, Gen needs to talk to JJ. And Rafe doesn't want her to go by herself. "If you start something, I'll kill you." Gen warns. Rafe laughs. Gen stops and looks at him. "I'm serious." Rafe puts his hands up to surrender. 

"Okay, fine." He grins. Gen rolls her eyes. They both start walking into the wreck. Everyone stops and stares at Gen and Rafe. She awkwardly waves. 

"What the hell is he doing here?" JJ says. Gen sighs. 

"I'm not gonna let my girlfriend come hang here with dirty pogues all by herself." Rafe says. Gen elbows him, and JJ and John B stand up. 

"Stop. Rafe, what did I tell you?" She scoffs. He shrugs. "Stop being a dick." She says. 

"Fine. I'll wait outside." Rafe says. He stomps outside. 

"I'm working on it." Gen says before anyone can say anything. 

"Girlfriend, huh?" Kiara says. Gen sighs. 

"Is he at least better than Luka?" Pope asks. Gen sits down at the table.

"Yes. Well so far anyways. But, Luka was nice at first too. Then he became pushy, and ignorant, and just overall a bad boyfriend." Gen shrugs. 

"Well, we can't help you." Kiara shrugs. Gen scoffs. 

"You're not even a pogue! You just aren't. You're a fucking kook. Alright? If JJ, Pope, and John B don't have a problem with me dating Rafe, then you fucking shouldn't either. Okay?" Gen snaps. Kiara scoffs. JJ, Pope, and John B just look at each other. 

"Fine. You're right." Kiara shrugs. Gen smiles.

"I know. Alright, now. I better get going." Gen sighs. "Oh, right. I came here to invite you guys to a party. My moms leaving to go work and wants to throw a little party." Gen shrugs. 

"I don't know. We'll think about it." John B says. Gen nods. She walks outside and sees Rafe leaning against the wall. He jumps up and walks over to her. She sighs and starts walking away.

"Did you really have to call them a name as soon as we walked in there? Are you kidding me? Grow up." Gen shoots. Rafe grabs her arms so she faces him. "What!" She yells.

"I've been doing so much for you. I've been trying to change ever since we became friends. All you can focus on is yourself. "I want them to like me." "I want to  be friends with them." Blah, blah, blah. What about, how I'm doing, Gen? How I'm trying to stay sober? How I'm trying to control my anger? I just want someone to care!" He shouts. Gen bites her lip.

"I'm sorry." She sighs. 

"That's it?" Rafe asks. He scoffs. 

"What else do you want me to say, Rafe? I'm not good with this stuff. Good job for controlling your shit, Babe." Gen sighs. 

"Yeah, thanks." Rafe scoffs. He walks past Gen. She turns around and watches him walk away. Was she really that selfish?

     Gen surprisingly drove her car today

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     Gen surprisingly drove her car today. But the Cameron's was too far of a walk. Yes, the Cameron's. Rafe wasn't at her house, and she wanted to apologize to him. She knocks on the door. Ward answers. "Hi! I just wanted to see Rafe. Is he home?" Gen asks, in her sweetest voice.

"Yes, he's upstairs." He opens the door wider. Gen smiles and runs upstairs to Rafe's room. She knew where it was since she was practically in love with him in middle school. She walks inside, Rafe's just sitting on his bed. 

"Hey." Gen says softly. 

"Hey." Said Rafe. She sits next to him.

"I wanted to apologize, Rafe. I'm selfish, I realized that. I should've been there for you and I wasn't. I just want everyone to like me. I want you to like me! And I want to be there for you, from now on. Just tell me what I need to do, or ask, or say." Gen bites her lip.

"This is the problem, you care you much what people think! You want everyone to like you. Just be your own person, G." Rafe sighs. Gen grins.

"Okay. Fine. I'm my own person." She says. Rafe laughs. "See, now you're laughing!" She exclaims.

"I'm sorry!" He surrenders. "You're concentrating face is just so funny." He laughs. She rolls her eyes. 

"God, I hate you." She smiles. She reaches over and kisses him. "If you don't mind, I'd like to go set up for the party tomorrow. You have to meet, 10% of my family." Gen sighs. 

"You make it sound like a bad thing." He chuckles. She laughs.

"You don't even know.."

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