Things that lurk in the dark

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*A/N I have promised myself to try and write around 1000 words each chapter, I am really close to 100 reads, so thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my story, even it's a chapter or too or if you've stuck through with it so far. either way I'm extremely grateful. Hope you enjoy the rest of the story although i'm suffering with writers block.*

The sound of dripping pipes echoed the halls, the smell of damp circled the air, lights flicking here there and the sound of foot steps all around me and two hands wrapped around my arms dragging me down a hall way. Last night I arrived to this place, it makes me wonder why I was aloud to sleep, I was brought some food and water and had a decent bed, but why, why would they be so nice surely it's not in their nature. I have yet to see Tom since he threw me out of the tree, but then again if he was able to get to me like that, so easily why did he wait so long, so many questions run threw my mind, but most of all where am I going and what is going to happen next. 

We come to a stop and a huge set of double doors stand in our way, they slowly open to reveal a long dining table, filled with all sort of breakfast food, bottles of different drinks and a rather small tea pot, then men walk me in a little bit and let go of my arm and close the door and stay to guard them, I look at them and one turns to me and says 'There's a toilet threw that door, I'm expecting that you will need to go, Zoe will take you' I turn to see this elegant young lady standing in front of me, I nod and follow, I must say it is so difficult to go when someone is standing in the same room as you even if they do have their back to you, I quickly finish up and go to wash my hands. 'Zoe, I'm sorry to ask but why am I here' she says nothing and opens the door for me waiting for me to leave the room. There are more people in the room now at least 10, I feel like I'm in some strange business meeting but with loads of food, clueless of what to do I see Chris standing by a chair at one end of the table 'Alex you will have a seat here' he gestures to the seat and I quickly make my way to sit down. He pushes my chair in and gives me a sweet smile and stands at least a meter away from me, suddenly the double doors opens once again and Tom walks in even though I extremely hate him, he looks so nice in a suit, a clean ironed white shirt with the top two buttons undone and his dark blue suit jacket undone, feeling speechless I look down at the empty plate that has been placed in front of me. 

'It's so nice to see you this morning Alex, I hope you have slept well' he grabs the napkin and places it over his knee, I look up at him and he seems kind, like nothing has happened confession rushes over me and he can see it in my face 'please have something to eat, my some tea' Zoe walks over to me with the tea tray and places it next to me, I pick up the pot and pour some in my cup with a splash of milk. 'Thank you' I mutter under my breath. Tom raises a eyebrow and I repeat my thanks but louder so he can hear me. 'Please eat something' I give him a concerned look and he stares at me 'Alex I won't say it again eat something, tell me what would you like, we have plenty of food, anything you want' My eyes scan the table and see a plate stacked with pancakes, bacon,sausages, eggs, rolls, breads, toast and a range of jams. 'I'll just have some pancakes and bacon please' He slowly stands up and walks around the table places food on a large plate 'Anything else some sausages, a roll maybe.?' without thinking I accept and he places more food on the plate, my mouth starts to water and he steps closer and places the plate in front of me and removes the empty plate that use to be in it's place. I look up at him and search his eyes and face but am unable to read his expression 'Thank you Tom' he smiles and his places his hand on my cheek 'your more than welcome Alex' he removes his hand and walks back around the table and places food on his plate.

After filling his plate up with a full breakfast his returns to his seat and gestures for me to start eating, I pick up my knife and fork and begin cutting into the bacon and pancake, placing a small bite into my mouth I can already taste a burst of flavors dance on my tongue, although we sit in silence while eating I can always feel his eyes on me, after a few more bites I put down my knife and fork and stir my tea while looking at him, his eyes never leaving mine, he places his fork down and raises his hands to his chin 'What are you thinking about Alex?' I keep stirring my tea unaware that It's been almost a minute since he asked me, he starts tapping the table in a impatient manor waiting, watching me, scanning my face and then my hand as I stir my tea then back to my face. I can see he is getting angry so I rest the spoon on the side of the table 'Why am I here' he stands from his chair and slowly walks around the table towards me 'Don't you want to be here.' he steps slowly while running his hands on the table. 'I want to go home'

'Home? this is your home now'

'But Tom my family my friends, why am I here'

'Because that is my decision, now you can either live by my rules and everything will be fine, or defy me your life will be hell, and trust me you won't like hell, I would know'

'And how would you know that' he is now sitting on the edge of the table inches away from me.

'Because Alex' his eyes change red and he reaches from my hands 'I am the prince of hell'

Unable to say or do anything I am left to my own thoughts while staring into his red eyes, he smiles and blinks his eyes back to normal 'What will happen to me'

'If you agree to stay with me I will keep you safe, you will be protected by my people, you will be aloud to go out every so often either with myself or one of my people, I could make you my princess, you will have good food, a bed of your own, and you will obey my orders, what do you say'

'Can I go and see my family or friends?'

'Im sad to say that you can't but I can bring your friend Mia here under one condition'

'What does that mean'

'She will have to be a demon, and she would technically wouldn't be Mia anymore'

'I could never do that do her, am I aloud to contact her and my family one last time'

'Only by writing, but I would have to check over the letter just to be sure that you are not giving out to much information'

Could I really live like this on one hand I would be safe if I say yes and i'd in a way contact my family, and if I say no then the worst could happen, so I pretty much don't have a choice, I would love to know what happened to the last girl, but I think I better not ask, might be for the best.

'I accept' ....

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